When it Comes to Bioethics…

When it Comes to Bioethics… June 30, 2009

Obama likes advisors who are more in the “court prophet” mold than in the actual, you know, *ethical advisor* mold.

Leftist Abortion Enablers: The Finest Ethics Money Can Buy!

Speaking of which, the White House is ramping up its new policies on abortion, which I am betting will boil down to the attempt to push things as far to the Left as they can, without upsetting the big polling numbers of people who feel distaste for abortion to some degree or other. The whole thing will be sold as “compromise”, meaning “On the one hand, keep it all like we had it under Clinton. On the other hand, pretend to listen to prolifers while doing so. And also, labor to find some way to turn it into more of a cash cow with ESCR.” This will enrage the pro-abort zealots who want FOCA and give the Administration a chance to appear more moderate than the bloodthirsty maniacs who make up the pro-abort shock troops on the Left.

Meanwhile, the Right will send out letters like this (which was forwarded to me the other day, apologies for the raw formatting):

Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2009 22:29:26 -0500

Do you remember how you felt when we found out that *Dr. Goyal* was trying
to open an *abortion* clinic in our community? People came out in droves to
meetings and to stand in front of the empty clinic with signs that
proclaimed *Abortion Kills Children* and *Abortion Hurts Women* (*500* in
total at four demonstrations, *175* at the last one before the Village Board
Meeting). Then we had about *1200 *citizens show up at the meeting and we
presented *8,905* signatures of those who opposed the opening of the clinic.
We could not believe this was happening in Glen Ellyn.

Fast forward seven years. Why are we not as *outraged* that the clinic is
open, and babies are being killed there every week? If we could stand in
front of an empty clinic *then,* holding a sign, why don’t we stand there *
now* as a witness to what is happening inside? It should make a difference
that there are *Christians* in the world. If we don’t step up and point out
what is going so *terribly wrong*, who will? Thank you to so many of you
who have hung in with me almost monthly for all of these years. And thank
you to those who email me and ask to add a friend’s name to the list. It is
encouraging to know that you are still interested.

I just finished reading a *fantastic* book that I’m encouraging all of you
to read. It is *The Marketing of Evil* by David Kupelian. It opens your
eyes to what has happened to our country and how it happened while we were
totally off guard. We didn’t even know that a* war was being waged* against
our values and all that we hold dear. We were just raising our kids, going
to church, and doing our volunteer work while there were radicals at
work*“selling us”
* on ideas that would have shocked our parents. I went to
www.worldnetdaily.com and scrolled down the left column under *WND Resources
*. When you click on *WND Books* you can find an assortment of very
worthwhile books but I highly recommend *The Marketing of Evil* near the
bottom of the page. It is on sale and if you buy ten copies
(*autographed,*no less) you get them for about $12 each and free
shipping. I was happy to
have one to give to each of our eight kids and the other two I’ll share with
my neighbors and ask them to pass them on. It is time, past time, that we *wake

In *Deuteronomy 11*, *Moses* warned the people of *Israel* to *teach their
children* of the wonders that God had performed for them in rescuing them
from Pharaoh and leading them to the land of milk and honey. They could
choose between the *blessing* and the *curse*. But what happened as soon as
they crossed the Jordan into the Promised Land? The *very next
generation*did not know the Lord or what he had done for Israel. They
intermarried with
the pagans in the land and began to worship their false gods. As a result
they faced years of turmoil when God did not intervene for them.

My generation is the last generation that *remembers *how our nation once
was. How most people were *patriotic* and our *history* was taught in our
schools. We knew about the deep faith of the *founding fathers* and were
able to *read *and *talk* about it. That has pretty well been
*scrubbed*from current textbooks.
Even the foundation of our faith has been watered down. We are fortunate,
though, that there are some young people who are* thirsting* to learn what
was commonly taught *pre Vatican II*. There are so many fantastic young
parents out there learning all they can about their faith. Some good things
have come out of Vatican II. It’s just that it was a time of *rebellion*and
*turmoil* in our country so when the windows of the Church were thrown open
in the sixties a lot of really bad stuff wafted in, too. Don’t you feel a
responsibility to “teach our children” so that they may enjoy the
*blessing*instead of the
*curse*? If this next generation is lost, what hope is there for our
grandchildren? Unfortunately they don’t know what it is that they don’t
know. How will they ever teach their own children?

We can take our country back. If there was ever a time when people need to
get* involved* it is today. I don’t know if you receive the emails I
receive, warning of all the* insidious* laws that they are trying to pass in
Washington. It makes your head spin. There has never been such an *all out
assault* on life and on the sanctity of the family. I can’t begin to
explain to you all the legislation but I will try to give a brief summary. For
*each* bill, please take the time to *call *or *email* the *President,* both
of our *U.S. Senators* and your *Congressman.* The easiest way is to
compose your brief message as a Word document. Then *highlight* it and
right click on it to *“copy”* it. When you go into the White House website
or sign onto the Senators’ websites you can just *right click* again and *
“paste”* the same message to each of them which will save you a lot of time.
Plus you can save what you said to them for your own records. Even if you
are fortunate to have a great Congressman like I have, *Congressman Peter
Roskam,* who votes my *values *consistently, it is still important to be in
contact with them. They need to be able to say, *“This is how my
constituents want me to* *vote.”* To contact the President of the United
States go to www.whitehouse.gov/contact/ and fill out the web page with your
identifying information. The *White House* phone numbers are: Comments *
202-456-1111* and the Switchboard is *202-456-1414.*

To contact *Senator Durbin* and *Senator Burris* or any United States *
Senator*, go to www.senate.gov and click on Senators in the top left corner
of the home page. To contact any United States *Congressman*, go to
www.house.gov and choose from the alphabetical list by clicking the box at
the top of the page. If you’re not sure of your Congressman go to
www.ilga.gov and enter your nine digit zip code and all the people who
represent you will come up. Click on the name for contact information. You
can reach any Senator or Congressman at the *switchboard* for the Capitol at
*202-224-3121*. Just ask to be connected to the specific office.

So let’s begin with the* American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009, HR
2454*. It is the famous *“cap* *and trade”* act which is really a *“cap and
tax”* act. It would* drastically increase* the cost of doing business in
this country and would be a *huge tax* on every source of energy that we
use. For a very extensive review of the bill and what it entails, please
click on the attachment above,* House Voting on Energy Tax!* We are being
asked to pay these *exorbitant taxes* in the interest of preventing *global
warming*, a totally unproved theory that is *debunked *by more
*scientists*every day. This would be the greatest tax increase in the
history of our
country. *Conservation – Yes*. *Global Warming Myths – No*. Please ask
your Congressman to vote NO on *HR 2454.*

*The Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Prevention Act, S. 909,* has already passed
in the House. The Judiciary Committee conducted hearings on it on this
Thursday (today). *Senator Durbin* of Illinois is on the committee. This
bill would add *“sexual orientation”* and* “gender identity”* which in the
House version included protection for *pedophiles *and other far-out *sexual
perversions*. It also endangers the rights of *pastors and priests* to
preach about *homosexuality* as being against the teachings of the Bible. This
bill flies in the face of *equal protection* under the law. If a *
transgender* person is assaulted is it more of a crime than to beat up an *old
man*? Does that make any sense to you? The* militant gay activists* have
had this on their agenda for years to try to paint any criticism of their
unhealthy and dangerous lifestyle as hate speech. Please ask your senators
to vote NO on *S. 909.* The ironic fact is that it was later disclosed that
the Matthew Shepard killing was in a robbery attempt, not because he was
gay. The* “marketing”* of this murder made front page headlines for weeks,
however, because the *mainstream media* is always willing to *promote* the
gay agenda.

If you want to have your *blood boil*, go to the *Illinois Family
Institute’s* website www.illinoisfamily.org and read *Laurie
Higgin’s*account of the Chicago
*elementary school* children – *first graders!* – who will be *marching* in
the *Chicago Gay Pride Parade*. Is this child abuse or what? How
much *obscenity
*can we expose our young children to? In the same train of thought, I know
there are so many products we are asked to boycott that you could hardly
live your life if you did them all. I am going to boycott *Pepsi* products,
however. As if sponsoring the New York, Atlanta, Dallas, Phoenix and
Cleveland *Gay Pride Parades* after being asked to remain neutral in this
controversial issue weren’t enough, they also require all of their employees
to have *gender diversity* and *sexual orientation* training. When you ask
for a diet Coke and they say is Pepsi okay, I’m going to say water will be

*The Foreign Relations Reauthorization Act, HR 2410,* includes
*Section 334*which establishes the
*Office for Global Women’s Issues* as an ambassador-at-large under the *Office
of the Secretary of State*. Secretary *Hillary Clinton* has already
testified before the Foreign Affairs Committee that *reproductive
health*means empowering women by giving them
*access to abortion* all over the world. It’s bad enough that we have
abortion* in our own country, now we want to force it on nations that have
resisted it, by the manipulation of funding to *coerce* them into accepting
it. *Congressman Chris Smith* was not allowed to offer his amendment to
make it abortion neutral. Ask your Congressman to vote NO.

Finally, the *Health Care Bill* they are presently debating (although there
really is no bill yet – it’s all smoke and mirrors). Who in the world are
they polling that say they want their taxes *raised* to provide a *“public*
*option”?* (Oh, yes, it was a poll heavily weighted toward President Obama
*supporters*, but the media constantly touts it as the will of the people.)
When the government *competes* with private health insurance companies they
*drive them out of business*. Just think about it. There are currently
about *1300 *insurance companies in the United States. They are for profit
businesses. The government can offer prices at whatever they want to
because it’s our money and they can always *print* more. Private employers
will jump at the chance to shift their employees onto the government plan
and give up the burden they’ve been carrying. The President started out
promising that if you like your* current health plan* and your *current
doctor* you can keep them. In the press conference on Tuesday he had to *
admit* that he has no control over that because if your company drops their
insurance plan it will be gone whether you like it or not. He is on record
as saying that he prefers a *single-payer system.* This is a foot in the

The only way that a *nationalized* health care program can work is if there
is *rationing* of care for those who are deemed *too old* or *too ill* to
benefit. Trust me – *euthanasia* is right around the corner. Did you hear
him say last night that when you’re up in years *“maybe you should just take
pain medication rather than have the* *surgery?”* And who do you suppose
will make that* decision* for you, you and your family or some government *
bureaucrat*? We know they were already *authorized* in the huge *stimulus
bill* to make decisions on what care will be *“cost effective”.* Scary! With
*restrictions* on what doctors can be paid do you suppose we will have *more
*or *fewer* doctors going into the profession? And the fight to
include *taxpayer
funding* for abortion will be intense.

It’s time to stop legislating in a *crisis* mode. As evidenced from the *
TARP* and *Stimulus* bills, it is a bad way to make decisions. The *sky is
falling* mentality seems to take away *common sense*. The fact that no
Republicans have been invited to help *formulate *the new health care plan
sends *red flags* up to me. To truly represent the desires of the people
this must be a *bipartisan* decision. Let’s let *both sides* present their
ideas and then the public can see what makes the most sense. And to
put an *arbitrary
deadline* on it is *ridiculous.* And did I mention that the *Congress* gets
to keep their *gold-plated medical* *plan*? They don’t have to live with
the plan they are passing for us. The *economy *is not going to get better
any time soon. The policies that we are adopting do nothing but cause
an *adverse
*effect on *capitalism *and *economic growth.* To add the burden of a *
massive* *government* *run* health care system in the *trillions* of dollars
and *charge it* to our kids and grandkids is beyond *irresponsible.* I used
to have a video of a couple from *Canada *telling the horror story of how he
had to wait to get an MRI and then wait to get treatment for his *brain
tumor.* They finally came to the United States and had the surgery that *
saved* his life. At the end his doctor comes on and says, *“Please don’t
nationalize your health care, or where will I be able to send my patients to
save their lives?”*

I had a link to the great letter by *Michael V. McIntire* but can’t get it
to open myself. I found it by *Googling* his name and then scrolling down
to the* Printer Version – Catholic Online *story. It certainly helps
explain how *Notre Dame* went astray

Are you listening to the *Sandy Rios Show* on* WYLL, 1160 AM* from *3:00 to
5:00 p.m*. daily? She is a woman of *incredible courage* and tackles the
issues you won’t hear anywhere else on the radio. And we’re still big fans
of the *Glenn Beck Show* on the FOX News Channel every day at *4:00
p.m.*Not sure all of us can maintain that level of
*intensity* but he certainly is an *educator*. It’s on again at 1:00 a.m.
so you can Tivo or DVR it and watch it when you have a chance. I’m a little
put off at the way he beats up on *both* the Republican and the Democrat
Parties. From years of experience, I know that the Democrat Party has gone
over the cliff on the *life* and *sanctity of marriage* issues (certainly at
the national level) and the Republican Party steadily maintains its *
commitment* to *pro-life* and *pro-family.* Compare their *platforms* some
time. I think they should at least get *credit* for that since Beck is a
religious guy and shares their values.

Recall your *outrage *and please come and pray with us at the Glen Ellyn
abortion clinic every Wednesday and Saturday from* 7:45* until about *10:00
a.m*. The Rosary Group meets at *9:30 a.m.* on Wednesdays. We are
constantly *blessed* when young women make the decision to* not go
through*with their abortion.
A beautiful young woman who *regrets* her abortion has printed up her own
tee shirt with* I REGRET MY ABORTION* on the front and back, and comes out
and stands and prays. She has already had an* impact* on passers-by. She
has written such a *moving account* of her experience that I plan to share
it with you. Just too much already in this update.

Finally, I invite you to join every day in *prayer *for our *nation.* In *2
Chronicles 7:14* God has given us a wonderful promise. *”If my people who
are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and
turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive
their sin and heal their land.”* People all over America are finally
getting on their knees. *We need healing.*

Don’t forget to take a few minutes to contact the President and your
Senators or Congressmen on the above bills. It is really important. *”All
that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do
nothing.” Edmund Burke

Note the jumble of concern about abortion and Evangelical piety, mixed with general GOP yakkity yak talking points about cap and trade, sundry environmental legislation and health care plan (among other stuff). It’s a classic example of what I was getting at yesterday: the temptation to mix n’ mingle sacred tradition with human tradition and treat it all the same.

What can it result in? Daniel Nichols talks about the strange way in which being a *more* serious pro-lifer than the GOP wants you to be can result in excommunication.

There’s a reason the Church warns about elevating human tradition to the level of Sacred Tradition.

Seek first his Kingdom and all these things will be added to you. Seek first the world and you will not even get that.

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