Harvard Prof Dares to Peek Outside Ideological Bubble

Harvard Prof Dares to Peek Outside Ideological Bubble July 27, 2009

Edward Green says:

Major articles published in Science, The Lancet, British Medical Journal, and even Studies in Family Planning have reported this finding since 2004. I first wrote about putting emphasis on fidelity instead off condoms, in the book AIDS in Africa, in 1988.

Condoms fail because people do not use them consistently, because they are not used once people get to know someone, and because they provide a false sense of security, allowing people to take greater risks then they would take if condoms were not used at all.

They also divert resources from interventions that work better, such as promoting faithfulness.


A factor usually overlooked is the ideology of sexual liberation. Those of us who work in AIDS don’t realize how much the values and ideology of sexual freedom and liberation influence our thinking.

It helps explain why until very recently, faith-based organizations were largely excluded from AIDS prevention even though FBOs run many of the hospitals, clinics and schools in Africa.

It also explains the strong emotional reactions we see when the AIDS establishment is challenged.

H/T: La Shaidle.

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