Greetings from Alaska!

Greetings from Alaska! October 9, 2009

Just quickly popping in to say “Howdy!” before I go to Mass and we start the retreat. Got in Wednesday, spoke at the Theology on Tap at the Snow Goose restaurant downtown, met the delightful Kinneys and there very talkative son James (if you define “talk” as “laddleladdleladdleladdle”) and had a lovely dinner with them (not in that order). Also met Erin, who turns out to be an old friend of John C. Wright, so there’s glory for you!

Chris Kinney took me back to the Holy Spirit Retreat center where I’m staying and there were two enormous moose (seven feet high at the shoulder) casually munching a midnight snack about twenty feet from the front door. We were a bit nervous getting my bag from the car, but they weren’t looking for a fight, so all ended well.

Yesterday was spent, sitting here getting my notes for one of my new talks ready (“Spirituality: Prayer and Practice”) which is based on the series on the Our Father I’m doing for Inside Catholic. Have I mentioned that your parish badly needs to have me come speak for you? Well, now you know!

Anyway, got that done, went to dinner with the Archbishop (very nice guy!) and the deacons whose retreat I’m leading. Then to bed and now here! My life in a nutshell!

Gotta run but I’ve got some urgent prayer requests from readers for you, my horde of prayer warriors:

First, if you are looking for a fine place to join your prayers with others on line, check out
Next, there is this urgent need:

From Pansy Moss (you can name me). My 36-year old husband has been cheating on me with a 22-year old girl. He is leaving us for her (we have been married 15 1/2 years and have seven children). If that isn’t bad enough, he is home now and is berating me and telling me why it is all my fault. I found conversations between he and this girl where they laugh at me behind my back. I knew it was going on for some time, but I found the evidence and it all came to a head a few hours ago. I have to change my life in the next few hours practically, financially, deal with this emotionally and all the above and I don’t know how I can take my next breath.

Then, this:

Hi there broadcasters of prayer requests. Just wanted to give an update on Granny. Since her cancer returned, she’s been in pretty severe pain. My dad is going to go get her and bring her to Dallas so she can go to a bit better hospital than her little town can offer. Prayers for comfort and healing and peace would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Father, hear the prayers of your faithful children and move your mighty arm to answer them through Jesus Christ. Mother Mary, pray for them and for all affected by these trials. Grant repentance to Pansy’s husband and shelter for her and her children, Father, through your Son Jesus Christ. Grant pain relief to Granny through Jesus Christ, Father.

Gotta run! Please pray for me that I serve the deacons and their wives well today and tomorrow!

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