Kathy Shaidle has a point

Kathy Shaidle has a point January 20, 2010

Instead of griping about the media, create your own. The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing. She illustrates perfectly why I think the prolife fealty to the GOP is so stupid. They keep promising and doing nothing, and we go along with it and think that voting GOP an d bitching about the Dems is an adequate substitute for being serious about creating a culture of life. Result: after 30 years of promises and phoning it in on Roe v. Wade Day, the GOP managed to deliver a political culture that is still at sub-Carthaginian levels, as well as ratchet down pro-lifers to enthusiastic support for things they used to rightly condemn–in order to keep on supporting the GOP. Meanwhile, in exchange for delivering virtually nothing, conservative Christians were asked to hand over their souls in support of torture and an unjust war–and complied with all the zeal of a victim of Stockholm syndrome. And for what? We been played, suckas.

To get the man’s soul and give him nothing in return – that is what really gladdens Our Father’s heart. – Uncle Screwtape

If Catholics want an alternative to what our Manufacturers of Culture are feeding them, then they should create it and root it in the Tradition, not in memes fed them by party elders and radio talking heads.

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