Huffpo Touts its New Religion Section

Huffpo Touts its New Religion Section February 24, 2010

Said Paul Raushenbush: “HuffPost Religion aims to more accurately reflect the large cross section of insights provided by religious people beyond the more narrow range commonly depicted.


Among the group of diverse religious leaders blogging on HuffPost Religion are: Jim Wallis on the spiritual crisis of the recession; Eboo Patel on the crucial importance of interfaith relations; Sister Joan Chittister on the future of the Roman Catholic Church; Deepak Chopra on the continued importance of spirituality; Rabbi Or Rose on the role of religion when it comes to the environment; Dr. Eddie Glaude on the declining power of the Black Church; Sharon Salzberg Buddhism’s “middle way”; Brian McLaren on ‘new Evangelicals’; and Steven Barrie Anthony on technology and spirituality. Other important voices on religion on The Huffington Post are: Robert Thurman, Steven Waldman, Feisal Rauf, Yehuda Berg, Sam Harris, Bruce Feiler, Tony Campolo, Rev. Debra Haffner, Byron Williams, and Agnela Bonavoglia.

Wow. What diversity. Who could possibly have predicted Joan Chittister? Brian McLaren’s hipster stylings? Sam Harris, naturellement. Deepak Chopra, but of course. This runs the gamut of diversity from A to a.

Same crap, new site. I can actually *feel* my brain cells dying as I read the ad.

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