October 22, 2015

Last year the Patheos Faith and Work Channel contacted leaders of some prominent community development and entrepreneurial organizations to talk about their attempts to transform communities through the growth of new businesses and attention to the dignity of work. The interviews were very popular and we’ve been re-running them. Here’s the last one–enjoy! By Joel Hamernick, Sunshine Gospel Ministries (note: you can also read about how SGM has worked with Partners Worldwide in a recent post) What is the basic mission... Read more

October 21, 2015

By Christ John Otto Every 500 years Western Civilization goes through a shift. These shifts are profound and take around 100 years to accomplish.  If we look back in time, these rough demarcations can easily be identified.   If we can look back through time, we would see that the Hellenistic era, and the flowering of Greek culture and thought began around 500 BC.  This was right around the time that Darius released the Jews from captivity in Babylon and they... Read more

October 20, 2015

I think we were arguing about asparagus. I had just sat down to dinner with my wife and three daughters (soon to be four), and amidst that cacophony of noise and food flying to plates, I started to eat. I love asparagus. I really do. But when I waited until half way through the meal to put in on my plate, my wife made a comment, I retorted, and before I knew it, we were arguing about asparagus. She went... Read more

October 19, 2015

Originally published at Ithilien. Perhaps to the clear-eyed angel There was nothing in the word he brought but glory: Infinite splendor in a point of flesh, Bursting, breaking through the veil of blood and mucus, Passing through a narrow gate To fill creation with redoubled light. Only the old man, his rheumy eyes Blurred with false hopes, Back scarred by Roman rods, Feet hard with trudging up the stony hill To watch the heroes die, Only he, perhaps, could taste... Read more

October 17, 2015

One simple way to help people integrate faith, work, and economics is through gratitude. You do not need to wait until you have read three or four books on the subject, preached a sermon series, or attended the latest conference on these themes. You can begin by simply taking a moment to stop and consider what you are thankful for. Thankfulness often shows honor and respect for work performed. Read more

October 16, 2015

Last year the Patheos Faith and Work Channel contacted leaders of some prominent community development and entrepreneurial organizations to talk about their attempts to transform communities through the growth of new businesses and attention to the dignity of work. The interviews were very popular and we’re going to be running some of them here again over the next few days.  Enjoy! By David Spickard, Jobs For Life What is the basic mission of Jobs for Life and how did it come... Read more

October 14, 2015

Last year the Patheos Faith and Work Channel contacted leaders of some prominent community development and entrepreneurial organizations to talk about their attempts to transform communities through the growth of new businesses and attention to the dignity of work. The interviews were very popular and we’re going to be running some of them here again over the next few days.  Enjoy! By Jim Wehner, Focused Community Strategies Urban Ministries How did FCS come about? What is its mission? Focused Community Strategies... Read more

October 12, 2015

Why Christians should care that the Nobel prize in economics has gone to poverty and welfare researcher Angus Deaton   By Dr. P.J. Hill The announcement of Angus Deaton as the latest recipient of the Nobel Prize in Economics is welcome news for Christians who want a deeper understanding of the dramatic change in human well being for most of the world over the last two centuries. Deaton, a Princeton economist who focuses very carefully on a wide variety of... Read more

October 12, 2015

Last year the Patheos Faith and Work Channel contacted leaders of some prominent community development and entrepreneurial organizations to talk about their attempts to transform communities through the growth of new businesses and attention to the dignity of work. The interviews were very popular and we’re going to be running some of them here again over the next few days.  Enjoy! By Brian Jones of Innové Project How did Innové come about? What is its mission? The name Innové means “breaking new... Read more

October 10, 2015

Last year the Patheos Faith and Work Channel  contacted leaders of some prominent community development and entrepreneurial organizations to talk about their attempts to transform communities through the growth of new businesses and attention to the dignity of work.  The interviews were very popular and we’re going to be running some of them here again over the next few days.  Enjoy! By Rudy Carrasco of Partners Worldwide How did Partners Worldwide  come about? What is its mission? Partners Worldwide mobilizes... Read more

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