Upcoming Mormon Matters Retreat!

Upcoming Mormon Matters Retreat! August 11, 2016

I’m excited to announce that I will be leading the following retreat, Navigating a Healthy Mormon Journey, with my colleague Dr. Marty Erickson and fellow podcast host, Dan Wotherspoon.  These types of retreats have been very highly ranked in the past and we are excited to be offering this format to Mormons looking to stay engaged with their culture, beliefs and/or practice. There are a limited amount of spots available and we only have a few weeks to go – so please register as soon as possible. Registration can be found at mormonmatters.org.   If you are interesting in attending – even if you will be registering later – please contact Amy Wengert at amy.mann8@gmail.com immediately.

This will be a helpful event if you find yourself in a mixed-faith marriage or other significant relationship, if you feel like you take a less traditional approach to Mormonism but still want to stay involved and engaged with your faith/culture/practice, if you feel any level of doubt or conflict within your religious tradition and may not know who to talk to, etc. 

Please consider making a tax-deductible donation so that those who want to attend but can’t afford to will have scholarships made available to them. I know in the past, attendees of similar events have expressed immense gratitude for scholarships since they regularly report relational healing, renewed hope, community resources and self-help strategies that last long beyond the weekend.
Again, go to mormonmatters.org to either register or donate towards scholarships. Thank you for helping us make a difference!

Some of the agenda workshops/classes that will be offered: Understanding Faith Journeys, Connection to Self and Others, Showing Up and Speaking Up at Church, Navigating a Marriage where Faith/Religious Differences Exist, Accepting and Embracing What Is and Moving Toward Living your Deepest Values, Reframing LDS Rituals and Ordinances, Healthy Sexuality, Mentally Healthy Faith Journeys, Raising Healthy Children Within a Mormon Construct, and Revelation—In Our Lives and in the Church.  This should be an excellent program! Hope you will consider joining us!


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