What I Want from My Country in 2016

What I Want from My Country in 2016 November 5, 2012

This is the first time since 1996 that Chrissy and I have been in the U.S. for a presidential election. Last night, a friend told me he wasn’t going to vote tomorrow. 

“Neither candidate has earned my vote,” he said.

That got me thinking about 2016. Here’s my wish list…

I want fact checking to be unnecessary.

I want to get rid of these ridiculous Super PACs.

I want the candidates to say, “There is something better we can do with $1,000,000,000 than spend it all on campaign advertising.”

I want my fellow citizens to listen to one another, to try to understand their perspective, to try to learn.

I want the candidates to listen to one another, to try to understand the others’ perspective, to try to learn.

I want candidates who understand and care about the life of people who live on minimum wage in this country and only a couple dollars a day overseas.

I want candidates who are willing to acknowledge that $700,000,000,000, as much the next 14 countries combined might be too much (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_military_expenditures).

I want us to explore what it looks like to be genuinely pro-life, whether American, overseas, unborn, elderly, undocumented, criminal, or even celebrity.

I want someone to find a way to talk about how we can lead a conversation about growing together in mutually beneficial ways with China.

I want my fellow citizens to acknowledge that they don’t agree with some things within their own party.

I want debate moderators who will not accept childish behavior from our prospective presidents.

I want to get rid of the Electoral College. It’s dumb.

What do you long to see in 2016?  Leave a comment below.



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