Pastor Punches Kid, but It’s Cool… “There’s Times That Might Be Needed”: A Little Friday Funny

Pastor Punches Kid, but It’s Cool… “There’s Times That Might Be Needed”: A Little Friday Funny January 23, 2015

First, let me say that I don’t believe for one minute that this actually happened, at least not in the way that it is described. If it did go down the way he describes it, then it is what you call assault and battery. I watched the clip with a friend who works in youth ministry and he said, “I’m sure he thinks it happened that way… sounds more like his fantasy to me.”

Second, I am always wondering when the American church–evangelicalism in particular–will awaken to the reality that we are exactly nowhere when it comes to violence. I’m currently reading up on the “hero” archetype in philosophy and literature. There’s no doubt in my mind that this was part of what Jesus was subverting, both in the way he lived, and in what he taught to be true. So this video would be funny if it weren’t so sad. Okay, it’s really funny, but it’s still pretty sad.

If you want to read a bit about the gospel and non-violence, here’s your assignment: A Farewell to Mars: An Evangelical Pastor’s Journey Toward the Biblical Gospel of Peace by Brian Zahnd. You’ll be glad that you did.



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