September 26, 2017

What makes the president of the National Association of Evangelicals an expert on health insurance and government legislation? Read more

September 21, 2017

The year 2016 changed nothing. Read more

September 19, 2017

Daniel Kishi mentions worthy sources for conservative critiques of corporate wealth such as Amazon’s acquisition of Whole Foods (remember how bad it was that Mitt Romney worked in the world of mergers and acquisitions?): Although the modern Republican Party stands accused of cozying up with corporate interests, the history of conservative thought has a rich intellectual tradition of being skeptical—if not hostile—towards economic consolidation. For conservatives and libertarians wedded to the tenets of free market orthodoxy—or for Democrats dependent on... Read more

September 15, 2017

Let's give up evangelicalism. Let Protestant diversity be Protestant diversity. Read more

September 12, 2017

Today is the anniversary of H. L. Mencken’s birth. Arguably, one of the greatest American writers, journalists, and editors of the first half of the twentieth century, the scion of Baltimore (1880-1956) never summoned up faith. But that did not stop him from paying attention to religion in all of its variety and actually paying it respect, in a poking fun sort of way. What New Atheist, for instance, would have the knowledge to make jokes at the expense of... Read more

September 8, 2017

Here is a follow up on the recent post that contrasted those scholars who signed the letter about racism and Confederate Monuments and others who signed the Nashville Statement. The question is whether these evangelicals inhabit different worlds that are akin to the intellectual ties that divide policy makers and academics who study foreign policy. Hal Brands recently wrote a piece about the different loyalties and tasks that shape scholars and policy makers. It might also apply to the different... Read more

September 5, 2017

Two kinds of evangelicals: those who worry about offending certain groups and those who are willing to offend regardless of the group. Read more

August 31, 2017

If you can believe it, the columns that underline evangelical hypocrisy for supporting the POTUS keep coming and never get stale for many editors. The latest is another by Jonathan Merritt in which he observes the gap between evangelical convictions and Donald Trump’s existence: Evangelicals are one of the most socially conservative groups in America, which has made for unlikely allies for Trump since the beginning. They’ve historically opposed pornography and gambling, but Trump once performed a cameo in a... Read more

August 29, 2017

Peter Moskos (first cited at PPP here), the former Baltimore police officer, who now teaches criminal justice at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice, assesses the causes of the Baltimore riots that attended Freddie Gray’s death. His moderate assessment suggests that ordinary actions are often much more important than provocation or outraged reaction: Macro theory too often assumes happenings and history are per-ordained, that leadership decisions don’t have consequences, and that individuals have no free will. But what if... Read more

August 24, 2017

Christians, from pastors and theologians to parents and children, don't have any special insight into foreign diplomacy. Read more

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