Undercover: Late-Term Abortion

Undercover: Late-Term Abortion May 9, 2013

I wrote a post a few days ago explaining why a late-term abortion is never necessary. I also wrote another post discussing how many late-term abortions are being performed.

As soon as I have the time to put it together, I’m going to write another post showing how late-term abortions work in ordinary hospitals and the ways that doctors coerce women into having them.

For now, I want to make it clear that this Live Action video just touches the surface of the problem. It takes aim — and does it very well — at abortion providers who perform late-term abortion as part of a medical practice which specializes in doing late-term abortions.

I believe that this just the smallest part of the actual number of completely unnecessary late-term abortions that are performed in this country, most of them after the doctor has badgered the mother into consenting to it. This really is the monster that pro choice has built.

More on that later.

For now, this Live Action video provides a look into late-term abortions as they are practiced in clinics which are dedicated to performing them.

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