Killing Grandma to Kiss the Zeitgeist.

Killing Grandma to Kiss the Zeitgeist. April 18, 2015

Photo Source: Flickr Creative Commons by Miran Rijavec
Photo Source: Flickr Creative Commons by Miran Rijavec

Poor Brittany Maynard.

Brittany Maynard was a young woman who had terminal brain cancer. She opted to kill herself. She used assisted suicide as her method. She did this in a highly-publicized way that made her the poster girl for assisted suicide advocates, everywhere.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, her actions have inspired a number of states and one municipality to jump on the assisted suicide bandwagon.

Poor Brittany Maynard.

She not only had to face God with her own murder on her soul, but she may very well end up being indirectly responsible for  the medical murders of countless other people.

Make no mistake about it. Assisted suicide is murder. In fact, it is murder done twice. The person murders themselves. And doctors who assist in this murder them, also.

I am aware that suicide is a difficult subject to discuss in these terms for the simple reason that much of the time, the person who commits suicide is basically out of their minds. Depression and despair can create a mental fog that makes clear thinking temporarily impossible. Does God give these people a pass? I don’t know.

I only know what I learned from a person close to me who almost committed suicide. This person was in the emotional depths of hopelessness and despair. What stopped them was that they heard a voice telling them to stop, that they could not face God having done this. Was it their guardian angel who spoke to them, or was it the Holy Spirit? I lean toward guardian angel, but, of course, I don’t know.

The important point for the purpose of this blog post is that it was made clear to my friend that suicide does not get a free pass on the other side. In fact, it was clear enough to stop them from killing themselves and take suicide as an option away from them forever.

Assisted suicide is much more deliberate than the action I’m describing. So far as the doctor who participates in it and the politicians who vote for it are concerned, it is  planned and considered cold blooded murder.

How does God judge all this? I don’t know. But after my friend’s experience, I am sufficiently certain that suicide is a grave matter to say without reservation, “Poor Brittany Maynard.”

I would add poor idiot politicians who vote for this, and poor indifferent judges who find for it. When you are in political office, sophisticated arguments in favor of every evil humans can devise come at you from all directions. You are flattered, cajoled, threatened and “reasoned” with on a continual basis.

People who get elected without having thought these things through on a deep, deep level are easy prey for these manipulations. For instance, one formerly pro life legislator I know can not even sit down and have dinner with me without going off in a rant over abortion.


He got “reasoned with” and had things “explained” to him until he got completely turned around on what he knows down in his heart is the right thing to do. He betrayed himself because he allowed these master confusers to confuse him. And I, even though I am now out of office, stand as a contradiction to all this. I bother him, big time, so he tries to start fights with me about abortion every time we’re together.

That happened a lot when I was in office. I had people yelling at me because they had to vote on pro life bills that made them miserable every single time one of those bills came up. They would cast their vote, then come back to my desk and say something ugly to me. It did not matter if I was the author of the bill or not.

I serve much the same purpose for a few bloggers and commenters here at Patheos. They try to take it out on me that they are doing all the wrong things, and down in their hearts they know it, but they are slaves to their public personas and public affiliations. They do what they know is wrong, and then they look for someone else to direct their moral indigestion onto.

That’s what a conflicted conscience does to people.

There is no more conflicted conscience than someone who is so enthralled with the zeitgeist that they commit dastardly deeds on its behalf.

And assisted suicide is a dastardly deed. It is murder.

It is medical murder.

It is perversion of the medical license to heal into a license to kill.

Assisted suicide, as well as abortion, is a Mengele factory in our medical community. The fact is, that some doctors enjoy doing this. They are true killers. Assisted suicide laws tear down the legal protections concerning human life and set these killers free to ply their trade at will.

Four states have legalized medical murder.

Montana’s assisted suicide law was legislated by a runaway court. In Montana, it is legal for doctors to kill people at all ages, right down to the tiniest baby. There is no requirement that victims be terminally ill.

Oregon and Washington passed voter referendums allowing medical murder in their state. They set the lower age for victims at 18 years. Vermont is the only state so far to pass an assisted suicide law through its legislature. It, too, sets the lower age limit at 18 years. All three states require that victims be certified as having less than six months to live.

These things sound as if some states at least tried to set limits on medical murder. But once you legalize murder, controlling it is a bit difficult.  In practice these protections have turned out to be political salve. People are killed in violation of the protections in these states.

Thanks to Obamacare, my mother is constantly harassed about end of life directives every time she enters a hospital. Not only that, but I’ve caught nurses trying to get her to sign an advanced directive stating that she wanted food and water withheld. They do this when I’m out of the room.

My mother actually had the pen in her hand, and was going to sign until I waylaid the whole thing.

If this trend toward legalizing medical murder continues, I have no doubt that the day will come when you and I will be harassed and confronted about signing to have ourselves and our loved ones murdered in exactly the same way.

It won’t be long before we’re hearing that every doctor must be trained in administering assisted suicide and that Catholic hospitals are being sued because they won’t perform assisted suicides. We’ll read stories about non-profit organizations faced with losing funding if they won’t refer for assisted suicides.

Then, there will be the big debates about how we can’t pass legislation for domestic violence and human trafficking because they don’t pay for assisted suicide and if we gave a care about these poor women we’d give them access to assisted suicide. I’m pretty sure that at some point, we’ll start hearing Martin Luther King, Jr quotes used to justify assisted suicide.

This will happen. Just hide and watch.

As I said, an increasing number of states are considering the option of dealing with Medicaid costs by legalizing medical murder. They do this under the guise of “compassion” for the dying.

That’s nonsense. If they had “compassion” for the dying, there are all sorts of things they could do that would help both them and their caregivers.

But killing grandma is easier and cheaper than taking care of grandma.

And that, not compassion, is the bottom line with medical murder.


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