Dear Abortion Supporters: Look at the Aborted Baby Parts and See Yourself.

Dear Abortion Supporters: Look at the Aborted Baby Parts and See Yourself. July 30, 2015

Photo Source: Flickr Creative Commons by kambodza
Photo Source: Flickr Creative Commons by kambodza

Pro abortion people are having a bit of trouble processing the videos showing Planned Parenthood selling baby body parts. I don’t know if this is because their consciences are bothering them, or if the political implications of the videos frighten them.

Whatever the problem, I think it’s worthwhile to look at the videos together. The videos bring home something that I found overwhelming when it finally got through my thick skull: We are killing people.

When I realized the full horror of what I had done, I was undone by it. I experienced grief, guilt, shame and remorse that changed forever how I viewed myself. It also changed — on a profound level — my relationship with God. My commitment to the sanctity of human life moved from the back-burner to the absolute.

I thank God every day for saving me from myself. I can wish nothing more for anyone who is still trapped in the world of death and destruction of the culture of death.

These are the edited versions, but The Center for Medical Progress has released the full-length video of each one, if you want to watch them.


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