Maybe the Boy Scouts Should Hold Pack Meetings in Gay Bars

Maybe the Boy Scouts Should Hold Pack Meetings in Gay Bars July 30, 2015

Photo Source: Flickr Creative Commons by USFWS - Pacific Region
Photo Source: Flickr Creative Commons by USFWS – Pacific Region

Well, they did it.

Remember a while back when the Boy Scouts of America voted to allow gay scouts? The deal then was that this was only for the boys themselves. The leaders and BSA employees would remain straight. Anyone who doubted this was a homophobe, an alarmist and probably a dim-witted traditional Christian to boot.

President Obama had an opinion about this policy, as he apparently does about all things gay. He chimed in that the Boy Scouts should, indeed, allow gay men to be scout leaders and administrators of the organization. The state of New York, whose governor told both pro life people and those who are, in his learned opinion, “anti-gay” to pack up and move elsewhere, launched an investigation against the Boy Scouts, claiming “discrimination” in their employment practices. Perhaps the final blow to the old policy came when the the president of the Boy Scouts of America, who is also the former head of the CIA and Secretary of Defense under President Bush I, called for the organization to allow gay scout leaders and employees.

You may have to stretch your memory a bit, but the Boy Scouts actually won a Supreme Court decision a few years back which sustained their freedom to not allow either gay scouts or gay scout leaders in their organization. That set off an unending line of attacks against the organization, culminating in what appears to be infiltration of its governing board by people who wanted to change the direction.

Why all the focus from gay rights activists on the boy scouts? I don’t know. But it’s been a biggie with them for a long time now.

It appears that they have won. The Boy Scouts of America has announced that they are going to allow gay scout leaders and gay employees. There are codicils in this decision which allow church-based Scout packs to eschew gay leaders, and, of course, we have a Catholic bishop, chiming in to urge “optimism” about the future of the Catholic Church allying with the new, gay Boy Scouts because, you know, this codicil is a for-real deal and will stand for at least a week or so.

One would think that the gay rights activists would be over the moon. This has, after all, been a very good year for them. But in keeping with their constant tradition of being the worse winners possible, they’re still angry and demanding more “reforms.”

Now that the Boy Scouts have tossed away their Supreme Court victory in toto, and now that they are still under pressure to become even more “gay friendly,” maybe they should just stop the gradualist nonsense and go all the way. Maybe the Boy Scouts should start holding their pack meetings in gay bars. That would end the cries of “discrimination” and get rid of those pesky traditional Christians, all in one fell swoop.



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