My First Wobbly Post Cancer Post, and It’s About Little g gods.

My First Wobbly Post Cancer Post, and It’s About Little g gods. April 29, 2016

Photo Source: Flickr Creative Commons by Daniel R.
Photo Source: Flickr Creative Commons by Daniel R.

This post for Catholic Vote was the first post I wrote after being away so long. I felt like someone trying to ride a bicycle for the first time in years; all wobbles and uncertainty. So, I went with something I believe to my core and have written about many times before: Many Christians on both sides of the political spectrum have made a false god of their political parties. They trim their faith to fit their politics.

I knew when I wrote it that people who are deep into this form of idolatry would become enraged and call me names. Satan is in control of them, and they don’t know it. When someone confronts them with their sin, they attack and vilify that person for telling them what they don’t want to hear.

It’s interesting that not one of these folks had the brains or ability to support their views with actual facts and arguments.  They simply went to the lowest sez-you, you’re-this-or-that denominator. In short, they reached for abuse and a ham-handed attempt to use the combox to commit calumny to support their position.

I knew this would happen. But I’ve been away from the internet, and I was, even after my years of dealing with this particular form of spiritual death, surprised by the vehemence of some of those who have fallen into it. I’m not mincing words here. I am calling the political heresy what it is: idolatry, satanic, sin, spiritual death. The combox viciousness is merely a symptom of how sin sick and lost these people are.

Someone said, You cannot serve two masters, and He was right. He also said, You cannot serve God and Mammon, and He was right again. I believe that Mammon refers to more than money; it is the entire worldly edifice. You cannot walk the Narrow Way that leads to life, and the Broad Way that leads to perdition, both at once.

These people who follow their politics instead of Jesus are, well, not following Jesus. They have become followers of another god, and it is the most pernicious and deadly little g god of them all: Their own vaunting self-righteousness.

I made a list of the worst actors in this regard and I am praying for them. I also pray the St Michael prayer every day for our sin sick nation. This country needs an exorcism, beginning with those who call themselves Christians but put the little g gods of this world on the altar of their hearts, instead.

Here’s part of what I wrote for Catholic Vote:

I have said this many times, and I expect I will say it many more: You cannot follow Jesus Christ and follow either of the two political parties.

This election season has demonstrated in an obvious way that both our political parties are morally bankrupt. It has shown us, if we would allow ourselves to see what is directly in front of us, that this great nation, founded as it was on the idea that all human beings are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, is in danger of being brought down, not by enemies from without, but from the craven manipulations and lies of our political parties.

We will destroy our country if we do not cease and desist from the self-destructive nihilism and corporatism that our political parties are pushing on us.

Far too many people, Republicans and Democrats alike, have made false gods of their political affiliations. They feed this idolatry by hating the sins of the other party without acknowledging the sins of their own party.

In fact and in truth, there is enough fodder for that gun in either party’s behavior. Read the rest here.



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