January 27, 2013

My many dealings with pro-abortion liberal males has convinced me over and again that they are at heart unreconstructed misogynists. I knew this long before I was converted to the pro life viewpoint. I knew it when I was the Oklahoma Director for NARAL. I knew it back when I was killing pro life bills as a young pro choice legislator. All you have to do is hang out with them for a while, listen to their self-congratulatory talk about... Read more

January 27, 2013

Join the Discussions of the Year of Faith Click here throughout the Year of Faith, as the Catholic Channel at Patheos.com invites Catholics of every age and stripe to share what they are gleaning and carrying away from this gift of timely focus. Read more

January 27, 2013

The strip club and the nuns story has gone on for a while and it appears it will continue. Thanks to the city government of Stone Park, Il, the community of the Missionary Sisters of St Charles Boromeo Scalabrinians now have a strip club two feet from their property. As we all know, the current reply to any request for official consideration or civil rights for Christians is to tell them to “stop putting their religious bigotry on other people.”... Read more

January 26, 2013

Bill Maher, the aggressive atheist/talk show host, managed to fulfill a prophecy a few months ago. Even though I doubt very much that this was his intention when he gave this interview, he comes pretty close. Mr Maher says (jokingly) I love death. Then he goes on to list all the real-world ways that he really does support the Culture of Death. Proverbs 8 says “Those who hate me, love death.” That verse may be more of a direct assessment... Read more

January 26, 2013

Conversion. Three syllables.  It’s not even a pretty-sounding word. Kun – vur – shun.  But when the conversion in question is  a switch from an anti-god viewpoint to an allegiance to Jesus Christ, it has the power to sweep away everything in its path. Conversion means more than reciting a formulaic prayer. It isn’t about anything you do, at least not initially. In the beginning, conversion, at least as it was for me, is just a matter of saying yes.... Read more

January 25, 2013

I’m a big Steve Jobs fan. When the Hollywood powers that be cast Ashton Kutcher to play Steve Jobs, I “got” that he could look like Jobs. But could he possibly come up with that intensity and drive? Could he — or anyone — create a facsimile of that charisma? I saw a clip from the movie today, and I’m still not convinced. Have a look and decide for yourself. Read more

January 25, 2013

I am fascinated by the places people carve out for themselves when they work. Whether it’s a rest bar a the Post Office, a cubicle, or a spot on an assembly line, we all tend to make nests out of our workplaces. Writers, in particular, seem to give full vent to their creative nesting impulses when it comes to the places where they put words to paper. The Guardian published a fascinating article a few years ago with photos of... Read more

January 25, 2013

I am a Jesus-loving, Catechism-following, pro-life feminist.  It appears that by simply being my own contrary self, I have done something most people regard as impossible. I have brought the polar opposites of our cultural divide together. The polar righties see pro-life feminists in much the same way bumper stickers describe pro-choice Catholics: as Vegans for Meat. The polar lefties agree with them. To polar lefties, feminism is abortion. In their myopic view, abortion equals human rights for women in an exact... Read more

January 24, 2013

I have sometimes wondered if city planners are trying to destroy the cities they serve. Here in my neck of the woods we’ve had to fight the city’s plans to put everything from dumps to strip clubs in quiet family neighborhoods. We usually lose. Resident’s only learn of the plans after the wheels have been greased, so to speak. When they try to protest, they are forced to take off work, go downtown, pay parking, and then sit through all-day... Read more

January 24, 2013

At least one gun control proposal is now in the hopper, and if it becomes law, it would be a big change. Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Ca)   announced plans to introduce a sweeping gun control bill that would ban 158 types of rifles, as well as other shotguns, hand guns and semi-automatic rifles. Feinstein claims that no guns will be confiscated. Her aim is to do away with the weapons by attrition over time. Representative Carolyn McCarthy, (D-NY) will file the... Read more

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