November 6, 2013

Spirit Daily has posted the following letter: I was seeing confusion and varying interpretations about what this letter actually signifies or implies. Scott P.Richert of’s Catholicism page gave me this background explanation: [A] bishop (singular) initially thought that there was something to the apparitions, but as he investigated it more deeply, he came to see otherwise. Since then, the bishops with the authority to investigate and determine the validity of the apparitions have all said, as the letter itself... Read more

November 5, 2013

is that my sister, Abby Tardiff, does not have a blog.  We have to content ourselves with checking her Facebook page, where you will always find things like this story, about the two planes that collided in  midair and burst into flames and sent their passengers hurtling through the air but it was okay, because they were all professional skydivers . . . juxtaposed with this: from Fables by the master, Arnold Lobel. Read more

November 5, 2013

Today:  people who aced their design assignment — but instead of moving along, they went on to save the lives of thousands of premature infants in the third world. Shout out to Chunmiao Little Flower!  These guys are amazing. Read more

November 5, 2013

Very interesting stuff from Tammy Ruiz, who has worked in perinatal NICU and hospice centers for most of her career, and who recently and unexpectedly lost her husband.  She has witnessed many crises, much grief, and many people behaving with compassion and selflessness She says it’s not only theoloically inaccurate to call someone an “angel” when they demonstrate what seems like heroic virtue, but it can provide us with an excuse to avoid even trying to do the right thing.  Calling... Read more

November 4, 2013

Arista Pasta!  Isn’t that a great name? My brother-in-law’s brother Benjamin Herried (yes, the same family who produced John Herreid, who did my book cover!  Ridiculously talented bunch of people) has been selling fabulous handmade pasta products at their local farmer’s market, using local sustainable produce.  Delicacies like Caramelized Fall Pear and Gorgonzola Ravioli and Sweet Potato and Roasted Garlic Gnocchi. Pardon me, I need to mop the drool off my keyboard. So, it’s been very popular, and they could be... Read more

November 4, 2013

Betcha wish you were me, don’t you?  Nine kids, fifteen years of parenting under my belt, confident, levelheaded, never get rattled, never overreact, that’s me. And that, my friends, is why my husband and I spent three hours in the emergency room with the baby last night, to come home with this official diagnosis: On the plus side, I, um, oh. Read more

November 1, 2013

Youtube: Full Audio: Read more

November 1, 2013

 SEVEN QUICK TAKES! (It won’t let me load up the image for some reason.)   This week has been an experiment to see whether two rather sedentary adults can accomplish the work of five strong men, sleeping an average of four non-consecutive hours per night, and sustained by little more than beer, deli ham, and Laffy Taffy: (Oh, so the answer is:  “Yes, but unnnnnghhhhhhhh.”) So here are seven things I never got around to blogging about: –1– Maybe someday, if... Read more

November 1, 2013

Two quick things! One, I just got through doing a live hour with the guys at Archangel Radio. Honestly, I was a little nervous about doing an entire hour about my book, but it was actually wonderful to relax and have some space to really talk about things — about, for instance, how lucky I am to have a big family, but how foolish it is to think you know the state of someone’s soul based on their family size.... Read more

October 31, 2013

Brandon Vogt has delivered approximately eleventy million tons of helpful advice about writing and marketing, and he graciously put together this post about my book as part of his series of interviews with illustrious people, plus me. In the interview, he gives me the chance to swat down a few myths about NFP, and to talk about why, if NFP is so effective, so many Catholic families have 15-passenger vans in their driveways.   Check it out!  Great questions. And okay, color... Read more

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