You had better do as you are told. You better listen to the NRB.

You had better do as you are told. You better listen to the NRB. May 22, 2014

Yeah, I’m still pretty gobsmacked and angry that the National Religious Broadcasters have decided to try to redefine religion as that which honors hateful liars while kicking out minorities. Christian radio is in the hands of a such a lot of fools tryin’ to anaesthetize the way that you feel …

Anyway, here are some links for a Thursday morning …


“I said I am under anointing, can’t you understand? I will call you back.”

“Everyone knows that Catholics run better restaurants than Protestants.”

“A whole generation of Brazilian teens are going to be calling a couch a ‘davenport’ and saying ‘isn’t that darling’ instead of ‘omg cuuuute.'”

“All millennial outreach efforts by institutions run by rich old people are invariably hilarious and insulting.”

“We love you and we respect the decisions you make, whether you like women or go through the motions as a straight man for decades, depriving yourself of intimacy for the sake of appeasing your intolerant parents, who will never know all you threw away just to spare them discomfort.”

“His rationale in all these matters is based on his decades-long, meticulous study of the Bible.”

“I’m guessing Jeffress isn’t a Baptist, since he seems to be unaware that meanness is a prized quality in some ministers of that faith community.”

“These people, for whatever reason, wanted to believe these crazy stories that were being told to them.”

“$50 is a lot of money. … It’s a tank of gas. We had to take it back to her.”

“We decided on our way home that, you know, this bench is going back.”

“Every morning you awake in Heaven: see yourself in your Father’s palace; and look upon the skies, the earth, and the air as celestial joys.”

“If you believe that God created the world, and basically gave it to humans as this incredible gift to live on, then why would you treat it like garbage?

“I like HBO, I want a toilet that flushes, OK? I do not camp out, baby.”


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