10 very mediocre negroes

10 very mediocre negroes January 17, 2017

On CNN yesterday panelist Marc Lamont Hill said black people associated with the president elect are “a bunch of mediocre negroes being dragged in front of TV as a photo-op for Donald Trump’s exploitive campaign against black people.”

If you have a hard time believing that CNN would let someone on their panel discussion with such racist views, click HERE to watch the video.

Got that?  Democrats make it clear that if black people don’t believe exactly what they want us to believe, they’ll racially insult us.  That’s why I thought it might be fun to see who, precisely, Hill was calling a mediocre negro.  Drumroll, please…

1. Ben Carson

Nothing says “mediocre negro” like being a surgeon, author, cultural leader — oh yeah! — and the next Secretary of Housing and Urban Development:

Click CONTINUE to see the next “mediocre negro.”

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