From Entry to Easter

From Entry to Easter March 19, 2016

There are a couple times a year when even those of us who aren’t religious about following the church calendar tend to fall in line with the rhythms of the ecclesiastical year. Holy Week is one of those.

This year I have a couple of podcasts out that will help you get your bearings for the stretch between Palm Sunday and Easter, no matter what your normal rhythm of worship might be.mickyjones

First, in my normally scheduled run through the Lectionary texts associated with Sunday, Micky ScottBey Jones and I talk through the passion narrative in Luke and other associated texts. (Yes, we do all that.) Micky brings tremendous insight into these texts—including the pieces that stat to fall into place once we realize that Jesus is really and truly and fully human.

962G49Y1-300x300Then, in a special edition, Tripp Hudgins helps me get my bearings on how this week is supposed to flow. He provides some tremendous insight that will help me think and worship differently every year. This is one you don’t want to miss!

So if you’ve never checked out LectioCast before, this is a great time to dip your toes in and see what’s on offer. I think that it will enrich your observance of Holy Week and your celebration of Easter.


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