Hospitality and the Fruit of Your Lips

Hospitality and the Fruit of Your Lips August 26, 2016


What if the fruit of lips that confess Jesus as Lord isn’t the words we speak or the songs we sing? What if those are the seeds that are supposed to bear fruit in a jimkastkeat_headshot_7whole life’s devotion to God? The fruit, then, is the life of faithfulness.

That’s a trail I run down this week with Jim Kast-Keat on the LectioCast.

There are several threads that run through this week’s Lectionary texts, including the fact that God has great expectations for God’s people. When God acts as deliverer the delivered should be ready to stand up as those who bring freedom and abundance to the people around them. And if we believe that God has acted as deliverer then we should also be willing to entrust ourselves to God, knowing that God will lavish upon us more than we could ever hope to glean for ourselves.

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