Home: Day 30

Home: Day 30 July 9, 2010

It’s Day 30, which I knew would come whether I blogged 30 times or not, but I am feeling pretty good to be here with 30 entries (some of questionable quality, but still . . . ) registered on the blog. 

It feels like running around the bases and finally getting to home, which is a weird metaphor for me to be imaging, since playing sports that involve bases is not in my realm of experience.  Okay, playing sports at all.  But it feels good to touch home, whatever that means. 

And maybe that metaphor means something special to me today because my two youngest kids came home after 13 days away from home today.

For them it was a total of 19 days away and tons of fun with cousins on both sides of the family (Hannah and Sam are bookends in the picture above with cousins Marissa and Jeremy) and grandparents–even great grandparents–on both sides, too.  Big brother Hayden continues his summer-long adventure in Hawaii with his uncles and grandparents, and although some of us might not admit it, I think we are all missing him a lot, too.  With summer camp and another road trip ahead of us, we won’t all be together again until August 1, and given how good the idea of home feels to me today, I think that will be wonderful.

What’s ahead for me on the blogging?  I am thinking about that . . . and I’ll blog about that next. 

But maybe not tomorrow.

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