The answer to the Che Tee Shirt

The answer to the Che Tee Shirt July 24, 2005

This is the one Elder Son will be wearing back to school in September. Cool t-shirt, cool product. Austin Paul has the details about how this idea came about, and points out that the coffee is cheaper than some Starbucks blends. And…

In addition to paying its growers a premium for the coffee, Contra gives 50% of its profits back to the cooperative for development projects. The company also donates 5% of revenues to Freedom Alliance, which exists to “advance the American heritage of freedom by honoring and encouraging military service, defending the sovereignty of the United States and promoting a strong national defense.” The company recently donated $250 to the Freedom Alliance Scholarship Fund, which helps children of those who have been killed or disabled during military service to attend college. The organization was started in 1990 by, perhaps not coincidentally, Oliver North.

Yes, that Oliver North. The one who orchestrated the whole series of events behind the Iran-Contra Affair.

So, the circle is complete. Through the purchase of this coffee, you are supporting the Contras and Oliver North, who originally supported the Contras about 20 years ago.

But, back to the point: you are agreeing to support those that have fought for democracy and freedom (that is, if your idea of freedom does not consist of Marxism, Communism, or Socialism).

Greg at What attitude problem tells me this is good coffee. We’ll soon know! :-)

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