Coulter: Hate consumes the hater

Coulter: Hate consumes the hater June 15, 2006

It’s a shame – a rather storied and celebrated career ends in the trash compactor like Jimmy Hoffa, all because the man could not control his ego or his hate.

Bush Derangement Syndrome is going to do more than ruin a few careers, it’s going to destroy a once great political party.

Not that the GOP is in any shape to crow – it is busily making itself as unattractive to the rest of the country as it possibly can, what with Coulter apologists slapping their knees and chuckling while she carries on about “Hillary’s chubby legs” and “Rahm Emmanuel’s Tutu” in the same stupid manner so many of us have decried on the part of the left.

In addition to the consensus position that liberals are godless, no one has made a peep about that swipe I took at Hillary, proposing that she have a chat with her husband before accusing others of being “mean” to women in light of Juanita Broaddrick’s charge that Bill Clinton raped her. Hillary beat a hasty retreat on her chubby little legs and is now hiding behind Rahm “Don’t Touch My Tutu” Emanuel.

Yes, the Democrats’ pit bull, Rahm Emanuel, is a former ballerina. And they wonder why the concerted effort of the MSM (as we call the mainstream media) and the Democratic Party can’t lay a finger on me. A ballerina. Hey, if the padded, silky shoe fits …

What is the point of that? How is that relevent to anything? Sorry, I’m not going to chuckle and say, “aw, that Ann’s a pistol, ain’t she?” She’s doing here precisely she herself says the left does, and no, it’s not clever, it’s not funny. It’s not better because it comes from the right. It’s not “justified” because “they started it.”

It’s weak. It’s lame. It’s spiteful and immature. It is what the left does with impunity, but that doesn’t make it right. And once again it undercuts and discredits the very sound and excellent points Coulter makes at the end of her piece, where she puts out very “uncivil” quotes made by members of the MSM who are now castigating her for incivility.

I don’t know…maybe I really am all wrong, but to me the way to battle incivility is not to embrace it to yourself and then crow about how you are doing so. You’ve got something critical to say, then say it and hell yes a little snark is a good thing…but snark demands a bit of wit. There is nothing witty in calling a woman fat or doing a sneer because a man danced…or are we really trying to imply something about the man’s sexuality? And that is relevent, how, exactly? That makes us better than the left, how?

That’s leadership? That’s something we want to follow? Go ahead…it will just make you the equivalent of a Koskid…ah, see where embracing such rhetoric leads, to a playground on which the left yells bumpersticker slogans and the right yells, “fat legs! You’re gay!”

Brilliant. So useful.

Coulter will never calm down and she’ll never rein herself in, and that’s a shame, because she’s awfully smart. She seems to relish ther persona as the bristling blonde (and she’s certainly a disher of red meat for a particular audience) but I think in the long run, she hurts the right, she hurts our cause. She could be absolutely correct about everything in the world, but she is so off-putting that she simply adds to every stereotype of the “mean and hypocritical, homophobic Christian conservative,” that is out there, and no, I don’t want that reflected onto me.

But then again, it’s more and more clear that I am really not a “conservative,” at least not as they currently define themselves, anymore than I am a “liberal” as currently defined. You will never convince me that the only way to handle the illegal immigration problem is to “ship them all back,” and even though Hastert – desperately attempting to redeem himself after his Jefferson gaffe – is dealing a blow to the immigration bill, the end of the article points out:

Flake sponsored an early version of the Senate bill with Rep. Jim Kolbe, R-Ariz., who also called for the bill to move forward.

“Only a small, vocal faction wants to stop a sensible guest-worker program and ignore the reality of the 11 million undocumented living in the country now,” Kolbe said in a statement. “We must not let any delays impede our progress toward solving this problem.”

The truth is, only a small percentage of Americans – yes, a faction – are demanding that every man, woman and child not here absolutely, 100% legally be shipped back to Mexico, no exceptions, no matter what. Their rhetoric is hot and the GOP is spineless. The senate bill needs lots of improving, that’s true…but rather than improve it, the terrified GOP in the house will shelve it. Nothing will be done on illegal immigration and somehow that will be a “victory.”

Yes…a victory for a faction. Not for the nation. As we descend from a people of common goals and values into a teeming, bubbling cauldron of factions, this is nothing to celebrate.

Faction: : a party or group (as within a government) that is often contentious or self-seeking : see also CLIQUE

The problem with cliques, is that they always seem to need someone to hate. We’re still in the schoolyards, after all.

Resentment is like taking poison and waiting for the other guy to die.
Negativism and cynicism are too easy. (Thanks Siggy)

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