An Amusing Go-Round

An Amusing Go-Round December 15, 2006

Some funny, amusing or just interesting stuff…because I am forever thinking of you, dear readers! ;-)

Laura Lee shows us that the troops have a sense of humor

Ambivablog links to some unfreakinbelievable chalk drawings by Julian Beever.

Dr. Melissa Clouthier asks so just what are you worried about, America?

The Curt Jester brings us carefully wrapped nuns.

The Shrine of the Holy Whapping tours a gorgeous Presbyterian church and asks a pointed question at the end.

Bulldog Pundit has had a baby girl!

Patterico’s daughter is a 6 year old guest blogger.

Beth points to Weblog Award cheating (how pathetic do you have to be to cheat on Weblog Awards? Charmaine is calling that Democrat Weblog Voting) and (less amusing) finds a blogger being silenced.

Ninjas and Kittens, I don’t really get this.

Dr. Sanity defines the golden age of victimhood.

is doing shameful things to Christmas Carols. Scroll down.

Nitwit is doing his thing, too and Gateway Pundit is watching.

I like Cardinal Sean’s blog.

Krauthammer says Bush has a chance he needs to take.

Finally, nice and quiet-like
, the gals at Moniales give us a sense of Compline in Advent and an Advent responsorial.

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