Tim Blair is back!

Tim Blair is back! February 7, 2008

Blue Crab has the news and notes that Blair is maintaining a sense of humor.

Blair is feeling good enough to kick at those sorts that Jonah Goldberg has been writing about. The “tolerant” folks who want to purge newspapers of conservative columnists, jail politicians who don’t buy into global warming and Surrender Common British Law where it gets too scary to apply it.

I’d say Blair is batting well.

The news that Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, is afraid of Radical Islam may well be a sad death knell for the Church of England?

Brings to mind this rather remarkable Op-Ed from Denmark (H/T Larwyn), which is translated at Gates of Vienna:

What if Bush was a great president?

Is that unthinkable? Reagan was called a fool too, an actor, parvenu. Nor could he read — as Bush is said not to be able to — Reagan didn’t have any experience in foreign policy, should never have been in The White House. All these kinds of things they said, our foreign policy experts, many of our politicians, the intelligentsia, the intellectuals, the writers.

Now he is called a great president. By the same people, or among the same people who have little interest in what happens around them.

In those days you where taken as a big idiot if you said anything else except that Reagan was a big idiot. People laughed at you if you didn’t laugh at Reagan. But the experts say that it was Reagan’s policy that ended the Cold War, that it was his stubbornness that won it.

The man who didn’t know anything about politics, the ridiculous fool who could not read, the actor, won the biggest political fight in modern time, after forty years of cold war.

Read the whole thing and contemplate what the world (not just America – but the whole world) will be like, if the next American President (whoever it may be) does not have the understanding, strength and fortitude to stand firm against assault from all sides domestically, and from abroad.

O/T but good: James Lileks has some thoughts on bad old America. Although I do think some of them – when not obnoxious – were pretty clever.

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