Clearing out the tab

Clearing out the tab September 4, 2009

I’ve got some deadlines to meet and a project I’d like to get started, so I need to stop futzing around, reading news and blogs and get to it. Here is what’s been cluttering up my tab-bar for the last day or so – it’s a bit of a jumble, sorry:

Malta, shamelessly cribbed from Crescat

Beautiful Malta! Where Doug Kmiec is the new US Ambassador after what Dan Gilgoff describes as a “strange religious/political” swearing in. Kmiec is the Catholic former Reagan WH Legal Counsel who campaigned passionately for Barack Obama, believing that Obama’s stance on abortion was compatible with Catholicism, or could be reasoned to be so…or something.

Crucifixes vs “Risen Christs. Long a bugaboo of mine, this piece explores the differences and comes out in favor of crucifixes. I agree. The crucifix is instructive and consoling as I have written before:

When we look at the Crucifix we see that there is no human situation that Jesus did not come to know. Feel betrayed? Feel humiliated? Being mocked and sneered at? Feel abandoned? Feel unjustly hurt? Feel loss? There, on that crucifix is the God who has known every one of those feelings, and has submitted to them – in order to save us, but also in order to draw us near, to gather us into a consolation, a consoling embrace that says…“I know what you’re feeling…I know what you’re thinking…we are actually all in this together, and quite outside of time.” It’s hard to remember all that. The Crucifix is the reminder.

Van Jones Uber-Radical/9/11 Truther Watch: Joe Carter says the White House will soon learn to google someone before appointing him to something. Yes, if they do that first, they can always ask google to clean things up a little, too. I say Jones’ll be thrown under the bus by Monday, after the Sunday Gasbag Shows. Your guess?

Take care of the crisis in marriage and the rest will follow. That’s what NYC Archbishop Timothy Dolan says, and I agree. When fundamentals are strong, the rest can be supported by them.

The World Feminist Deathmatch:
Attila’s got it covered

Gratitude: The importance and nature of it. A good read.

In prison for protesting abortion:
I am not sure how I feel about this story or its tone, just yet. Need to think and pray on it, a bit. But I think you’ll find it interesting.

A Martyred Faith: Joseph Bottoms looks at Fatima al-Mutayri

New realities undercut old positions on immigration. Longtime readers know I parted ways with the conservative base on this issue (see the category). We’ll be talking about it again!

“Some patients being wrongly judged as close to death.”
There is a whole deatheater mindset out there. They can’t feed death fast enough, and it’s so easy to rationalize limits on life.

Byron York: Obamacare means more power for the IRS.

Ed Morrissey says:
it also means higher prescription plan premiums. Also, says York, Obama is making an error, here

Bl. Teresa of Calcutta: Insights from Fr. Neuhaus, and it’s a must-read, so don’t miss it:

After I had preached one morning, she pushed a book across the kitchen table: “Reading is good but make your meditation before you preach and then just tell the people what Jesus told you.” I had the sense that she was on a special wavelength. On my way to say Mass for her in New York, I found myself in the subway standing in front of a kiosk featuring magazines with women who were only innocent of the Legion of Decency. After Mass, although I had said nothing, she said, “On your way through the streets when you are coming to say Mass, don’t look at the magazines with the women on the covers.” By showing the utter naturalness of supernaturalness, saints are a sacrament of the transfiguration. All through the Christian annals it has seemed perfectly natural and not silly to tell them, “You gotta save Christianity. You gotta.”

Kathryn J. Lopez wonders: Hey, where’s the American flag?

Does Obama Heart Despots?: The Honduras loses aid for umm…upholding its constitution against a despotic power grab. Obama and Hillary are punishing them for it, while most pay no attention. Jimmie Bise is rightly ashamed of what our government is doing:

Our government is demanding that the current government of Honduras violate its own laws to return a man to power who ignored the lawful orders of his own courts and deliberately attempted to violate the Honduran Constitution to satisfy his own desire to remain in office longer. Our position is shameful and wrong and it needs to change.

The President should turn around on this issue right now. He has put us on the side of tyrants and that is never a place the United States should be. Not ever.

Damn straight.

How to avoid the lap of the Pharisees

Missing Bill Buckley: God and Man at Yale</a is on my reading list, if I can ever get to it.

Episcopal Nuns take the plunge
: And
into the Tiber -or across it. Their habits are perhaps the most old-fashioned I’ve ever seen.

Quin Hillyer: Obama is not Jimmy Carter

Bookworm: Obama is also not Hitler

Peggy Noonan: Obama is young, inexperienced and triumphal

More on Bishop Martino: fisking Time Magazine’s spin

300 Grandchildren: Well, God bless her!

Obama and school kids:

Compassion: Can it be part of a war equation?

Me, me, me: Got an EWTN catalogue in the mail today and was surprised to see this in it. Heh. Found it here, too.

Deep-fried Butter

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