Antidote to Pride and Vanity: Cesspool Problems

Antidote to Pride and Vanity: Cesspool Problems August 31, 2015

So, I have an announcement I want to make — it’s an exciting announcement, and I thought I would make it first thing this morning. But instead, first thing this morning, the cesspool made itself known to us in a literal and olfactorily disturbing way.

My announcement will be held off for a few hours, while we address this rather urgent need.

From above my desk, teaching me to laugh.
From above my desk, teaching me to laugh.
Perhaps it is because I am so devoted a daughter to Saint Philip Neri, but I’m finding the whole thing — and the timing of it — pretty laugh-worthy.

I wonder, is this yucky event happening today because it is a gift of grace? The Holy Spirit communicating that I ought not take myself too seriously, because I am basically full of crap?

Is it the devil, trying to impede what should be a joyful day?

If so, he loses. I may not like the circumstances, but I am thoroughly amused, and pondering all of this against yesterday’s gospel: “the things that come out from within are what defile.”

A timely reminder from a God who loves me, to keep a watch over my mouth, and a guard over my heart and mind, exactly, perhaps, when I need to hear it. Perhaps that’s why this jumped out at me, today, at Morning Prayer:

Morning prayer
Morning prayer

Please pray for me. And check back later, for some news.

I’m wondering how to tag this? Prayer, Poop?

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