Don’t Come To My Brother’s Funeral And Tell Me He’s With God

Don’t Come To My Brother’s Funeral And Tell Me He’s With God September 27, 2010
aEven before the release of a new book and movie about him, there is so much that has already been said about the cover-up in Pat Tillman’s death in Afghanistan.  The Bush Administration used him and then created a phony baloney story surrounding his death by friendly fire.  His brother, Richard, greatly embarrassed the Bushies at the funeral by declaring that his brother wasn’t with God and wasn’t going to reunite with them one day.  He was interviewed by Bill Maher last week on Real Time.
The Tillmans are non-believers.  Empty words of comfort did nothing for them.  The life of their loved one was taken by carelessness.  He was a true hero but not in the way that the Bush Administration and the military wanted him to be portrayed.
It is said that you can’t be elected to office in this country if you declare that you are an atheist.  How ironic.  Atheists truly value life, refusing to comfort themselves with fairy tales about an afterlife where things are better.  Maybe if non-believers were in charge there would be less needless bloodshed in mis-managed and unnecessary wars.  When you don’t fantasize about dead soldiers being in better places, you place a much higher value on keeping them alive.
Here’s the interview:

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