The Stoopid…It Hurts!

The Stoopid…It Hurts! October 29, 2010

Jonathon Moseley is a Virginia lawyer and creationist who worked for Christine O’Donnell’s primary campaign.  In an article on Christian News Wire, he attacks the separation of church and state and then moves on to the necessity of teaching “intelligent design” in schools.

Moseley also charged: “Coons [O’Donnell’s opponent] also showed appalling ignorance about science as well. The heart and soul of science is questioning established thinking, challenging assumptions, challenging conventional wisdom, and debating both sides of every issue. It is not possible to prepare students to be competent in science without preparing them to look at scientific questions from different angles, examine assumptions, and ask questions outside the box. What Coons would have our schools teach is not science at all, but superstition. Presenting only one point of view without debate never has been and never can be called science. Even if Intelligent Design is taught only as a foil or teaching tool, one cannot teach science by offering only one view”

First of all, this guy wouldn’t know science if it came up to him and said, “Hi, I’m Science” and then bit him in his butt.  

What really gets me is that these primitive thinkers have taken to using the language of science and reason to attack the scientific and reasonable.  What is this crap about teaching from “different angles” and calling evolution “superstition?”  Is he serious with this?  Are he and his ilk really so stupid?

“Intelligent design” is based on a story book.  It’s as scientific as Humpty-Dumpty.  There is no debate about evolution.  It’s a fact. 

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