Critical Creationist Crapola

Critical Creationist Crapola March 8, 2011

I was wondering how long it was going to take for my home state Florida legislators to get around to slipping some creationism or intelligent design into the curriculum.  They’re trying the latest technique of arguing that they’re just looking to teach critical thinking.

This is an hysterical idea when it comes from these anti-science zealots.  I don’t think they actually understand what critical thinking means.  I believe their definition would be something like “being critical about things you don’t believe.”  They have no capacity for analysis, reflection or objectivity.  How could they when they rely upon tradition as their guide?

Their latest ploy is to insert words like “critical analysis” into curriculum legislation about evolution.  The proposed Florida bill requires “a thorough presentation and critical analysis of the scientific theory of evolution.”  This is the best that they can do in the wake of the Dover decision.

The Florida Citizens for Science website points out:

Mandating “critical analysis” of evolution has been done before in other states with disastrous results. We don’t need to put Florida through the same painful learning process that Ohio had already gone through a few years ago. Once the work began on deciding how to implement “critical analysis” there, it was discovered that the concept was nothing more than an attempt to impose creationist teachings. The proposed lesson plan was riddled with distortions of scientific knowledge/methods pulled directly from old creationist arguments. Ohio eventually dropped the whole idea of “critical analysis” evolution and washed their hands of it.

If it gets through – and this being Florida it probably will – we can waste more time and money on foolishness while critical programs are being slashed and burned by Gov. Rick “Medicare Fraudster” Scott.

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