warning; controversial image…

warning; controversial image… December 22, 2011

… Few articles of women’s clothing are more controversial than the denim jumper or the ankle length denim skirt. The mantilla and head covering garments are probably the most volatile. Today; however, I want to discuss the denim jumper.

Living in the South long denim skirts and jumpers have an evangelical connotation. They are perceived as the snake throwing Pentecostal woman’s uniform. Whether it’s true or not I can not know. My snake throwing church exposure has been, sadly, a bit limited. However, I was Pentecostal for awhile; but then I got better. Before I got better I did notice that a few women in my church dressed like the above image but really most evagelicals I knew looked like Tammy Faye or Dolly Parton… all bedazzled, big hair and big… um. It was Alabama after all.

I’ve lived in various states all over the Southern part of this country and I’ve found it’s usually the very strict sola scriptura type protestants who prefer this type of dress. I do know they choose to wear this type of clothing for reasons of modesty, to which I certainly have no objections to.

So what is it about the denim jumper that causes so much contempt? Could it be because the idea of modesty is so counter cultural or could it be because their idea of modesty is considered so frumpy?

Writing on the subject from a Catholic perspective, I do know that the denim jumper and ankle length skirts have been adapted as the uniform of choice for a sizable majority of families who are members of SSPX. This may be the source of controversy, for Catholics at least, since the organization of SSPX itself is considered controversial.

Now add to the equation traditional Catholics, or more specifically Catholics who favor the mass in extraordinary form over the novus ordo mass. I added the extra specification because I consider myself traditionally minded however I do not have mass preference – no. versus m.e.f.

I realize the subject of n.o. versus m.e.f. is highly volatile among Catholics so I suppose when some see women come to mass covered head to toe in shapeless denim the assumption is made that they must be “one of those” who thinks their mass is better than mine.

Again, I inclined to think the choice in attire is more about modesty and less about some divisive religious statement. Or is it? Is it an intentional outward sign of inner piety and if so is that such a bad thing? Is that why the denim jumper is so controversial, because it could be perceived as a sign of spiritual superiority?

My own personal opinion, the denim jumper and shapeless dresses are frumpy and you don’t need to surrender style in favor of modesty.

Dress by Shabby Apple.

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