Oh, Pelosi. What are we going to do with you…

Oh, Pelosi. What are we going to do with you… May 17, 2012

… In the past I have certainly vocalized my thoughts on Pelosi and fraternal correction while entertaining fantasies reminiscent of this…

… and I will admit an eye twitch develops at the mere sound of her name. So when she was back in the news last week spouting more about how her “faith compels her” the old war cry “anathema sit” was quick to rise from my lips. And so this post originally started out with wondering how flammable she might be.

Then I went to lunch with a friend and we chatted. And it turns out Pelosi’s ideas are, unfortunately, shared by a lot of people and sometimes those ideas are not formed out of direct malice and contempt for the Church but out of genuine misunderstanding and shaped by personal situations that can interfere with sound reason. It happens.

Although in Pelosi’s case I’m pretty sure she’s just evil personified. My friend; however, is just your typical liberal thinking Catholic who doesn’t really mean any harm and when she says she loves her religion I believe her. I think it’s good to remember that when dealing with people who think and believe dramatically different than we do. The intentions are usually good albeit misinformed. It’s a teaching moment that should be met with civility. And humor.

What? I’m advocating being nice to liberals. Why yes, yes I am.

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