The movie Hollywood wouldn’t make…

The movie Hollywood wouldn’t make… May 29, 2012

… This Friday For Greater Glory will be hitting theaters.

Andy Garcia talks a bit about his role as General Enrique Gorostieta and the timely relevance of this historical drama based on the Cristeros War. Could this happen here? Absolutely.

“It’s a completely independent film,” Garcia told “It is being distributed independently and it’s being financed independently.”

And it is the true story of men and women—and children–who lived 90 years ago in Mexico and whose struggle for liberty could echo powerfully in the United States today.
Some of the heroes in For Greater Glory are Mexicans who in real life were literally martyred for their faith—and who have since been beatified by the church. Among these is Bl. Jose Sanchez Del Rio, a teenage boy, who joined the pro-Catholic guerilla forces ironically led by the skeptical and mercenary general whom Garcia depicts in the movie. [read more]

I know my son is particularly excited about this movie but with the R rating I don’t think he’ll be seeing it any time soon despite how much he admires Bl. Jose.

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