Abortion Rom-Com Romanticizing Infanticide Hits Theaters…

Abortion Rom-Com Romanticizing Infanticide Hits Theaters… June 7, 2014

… Absolutely repugnant.

[NewsBuster] In the new abortion romantic comedy hitting theaters, the child in “Obvious Child” is anything but obvious.

Director Gillian Robespierre’s “Obvious Child” follows an aspiring young comedian, Donna Stern, whose abortion turns into a “happily ever after” love story. Opening June 6, the film stresses “self-discovery and empowerment” and the “realities of independent womanhood.” With endorsements from Planned Parenthood and NARAL as well as applause from the media, the abortion “comedy” serves as the latest push for normalizing abortion.

Rolling Stone’s Carrie Battan even “came close to tears” watching the film and praised, “the way Obvious Child handles the idea of abortion: not as an earth-shattering event that permanently derails a woman’s path in life, but as a decision that’s a bit unsettling, a bit inconvenient, often necessary – and occasionally funny.”


Abortion is funny now?

Studies reveal that the long-term physical and psychological consequences of abortion include an increased risk of:

• subsequent preterm birth
• placenta previa and incompetent
• serious mental health problems; depression, suicide
• breast cancer
• miscarriage
• and death

But don’t let that stop the agenda driven critics from fawning over this ode to abortion.

“This is a romantic comedy where the girl gets an abortion and gets the guy.”

“It’s a pregnancy story that has a happy ending, even when the ending isn’t a baby.”

Hey it’s even NARAL endorsed.

Revolutionary. Honest. Breakthrough. All the typical buzzwords. If Hollywood was really sincerely honest about handling the topic of abortion in a breakthrough, revolutionary manner they would make this film.

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