Not So Fast….Neil Gaiman sez…AMERICAN GODS is NOT Greenlit.

Not So Fast….Neil Gaiman sez…AMERICAN GODS is NOT Greenlit. June 30, 2013

Put your pants back on!

The word on Twitter from the author himself is that the plan to produce six seasons of AMERICAN GODS on HBO is not in any way official:

“Seeing news stories about AMERICAN GODS being ‘officially greenlit’ at HBO. These are just people talking on the internet & not true at all.”  (from Neil Gaiman on Twitter)

Sorry, folks. Sometimes you have to go right to the source. My thanks to those who have already pointed out the other articles were premature or inaccurate. I hope to continue following the story and offer any legitimate information I can find.

Watch this space for more updates, rumors, prayers, spells and shameless plugs…


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