When an “anybody but Donald” is married to an “anybody but Hillary,” Part One

When an “anybody but Donald” is married to an “anybody but Hillary,” Part One July 4, 2016

Reader, I married him
Reader, I married him

I knew he was a Republican when I married him. Our disparate views on politics peppered our first date–and I laughingly said, “OK, that’s a deal-breaker!”

But there was far more to him than his politics. He saw far more in me than mine.

Mutual respect and enormous admiration for each other permeated our relationship from its earliest hours. We married in the fall of 2015, he, a widower, me divorced, both having had our share of pain and anguish. And now, the possibility of new life.

One thing that continually fascinates me is how we can look at the same event or even the same object and see totally different things. It is mind and soul expanding for both of us to seek to see, always dimly of course, through the eyes of the others.

And then we have the Donald/Hillary conundrum. I’m aware that the Republican candidate is generally referred to by his last name, but since the Democratic candidate is generally referred to by her first name, I am choosing to employ the same rubric as I write of them. I do this because, in my opinion, this way of referring to the candidates is part of what we face with our “anybody but Donald/anybody but Hillary” challenge.

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