When an “anyone but Donald” is married to an “anyone but Hillary,” part three

When an “anyone but Donald” is married to an “anyone but Hillary,” part three July 21, 2016

It was titled, “Trump’s Mum Supporters.” The writer admits that prominent Republicans risk “sullying their brands” by stating that they will vote for Trump. But then he writes,

So let’s say it: As long as you don’t have to pay a social price for it, a Trump presidency might not be so bad. A Trump victory would be inconceivable without his bringing a GOP Congress along. His business friends would steer him away from wild actions. Mr. Trump himself has said he has no intention of destabilizing the economy.

He goes on to state, “He [Trump] might be the biggest sleaze they ever knowingly vote for, but not the biggest to hold the office.”

It’s a fascinating semi-endorsement.

I also heard a female delegate to the RNC in an interview today speak about the women’s vote. Polls indicate significant female voter negativity toward Donald. According to this news report, 69% of women hold an unfavorable view of him. The delegate contended that women simply don’t want to admit they are going to vote for him. Nonetheless, she predicts they will turn out heavily to elect him.

Essentially, this female delegate called women who have stated they won’t vote for Donald “liars.”

Even more fascinating.

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