When an “anyone but Donald” is married to an “anyone but Hillary,” part six

When an “anyone but Donald” is married to an “anyone but Hillary,” part six September 1, 2016

black-and-white-person-woman-107881 sadness despairIt’s fear. 

It’s fear coupled with despair.

It’s fear, coupled with despair, fed by a growing percentage of US citizens who no longer read or have the leisure time to think critically.

It’s fear, coupled with despair, fed by a growing percentage of US citizens who no longer read or have the leisure time to think critically and are fed on 20 second strongly biased news snippets.

It’s fear, coupled with despair, fed by a growing percentage of US citizens who no longer read or have the leisure time to think critically and are fed on 20 second strongly biased news snippets and believe conspiracy theories because what else could explain how wrong things have gone for them.

I’ve looked carefully at this living wage calculator, put together by MIT.  It has pushed my awareness of how impossible life is when two adults, both making the minimum wage, try to support a family and offer basic necessities .

But it’s not just the minimum wage folks. The vast majority of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck–and I mean the formerly comfortable middle class.

My husband and I ran multiple errands yesterday and I started looking at all the houses we were passing in our affluent area of North Dallas/Plano/Frisco. I wondered, “How many people living in these nice, spacious homes are waking up in the middle of the night terrified because they have no idea how they are going to pay the bills?”

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