The Debate Version of When an “anyone but Hillary” is married to an “anyone but Donald

The Debate Version of When an “anyone but Hillary” is married to an “anyone but Donald September 26, 2016

democrat republican politics-cropSeparate rooms, separate TV’s. For the first time in our married life, we will not watch TV together.

It’s been one of our things: if we are going to watch TV, we need to do it together. We’ve done this from the beginning and will continue to do so.

But not tonight. We talked about it yesterday. Both of us have as the baseline consideration that we want to stay in love with each other. We do not want to argue over this.

I’m far more passionate about the situation than he is. He actually doesn’t care very much who does win, but he absolutely will not vote for Hillary.

I care very much that Trump doesn’t win and am getting more and more on board with Hillary. Am appreciative of the NY Times resounding endorsement of her. It acknowledges her mistakes but makes it clear: she’s smart, she’s prepared, she has a track record that makes her the best informed, best-prepared candidate in history.

She is also probably the most thoroughly investigated person in human history. She’s handled all this with a considerable amount of poise and grace. Again, no one is saying she hasn’t done some things she shouldn’t, and could have been a lot more open about a lot of things but she gives steady, credible leadership and has devoted her life to public service. She and Bill donate at least 10% of their income to charity and the Clinton Foundation has done exceptional work.

Very definitely beats a con man, huckster, lying, cheating, racist, sexist immoral man who has devoted his life to making himself even richer while routinely making others poorer. He donates almost nothing to charity and uses the Trump Foundation to pay personal legal expenses and buy off politicians.

As I said, I care a lot.

So, separate TV’s. And we have agreed not to talk about it afterward.

Our love is too important to let this come between us.

Reader, I married him
Reader, I married him

This is a series of the ongoing saga of a newly married couple with radically different political views. Part one is here. Part two is here. Part three is here. Part four is here. Part five is here. Part six is here. Part seven is here.

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