Great News from CBMW: Campaign a Success

Great News from CBMW: Campaign a Success August 12, 2014

StandTideI’ve got some great news to report from CBMW’s recent matching campaign. We were seeking to raise $25,000 and, by God’s grace, went well beyond that. Here’s the report from Executive Director Grant Castleberry, whose excellent work raised a major portion of the total amount:

This summer we launched a giving campaign called Stand Against the TideThe campaign was started when a donor offered to give $25,000 if other ministry partners would match the gift. So we sought the Lord for clarity about what the campaign should be centered on. We thought that the theme: Stand Against the Tide was appropriate because it captured the mission of CBMW to stand for the truth of God’s Word regarding biblical gender roles and sexuality, despite massive and overwhelming opposition from the culture. …. We are excited to announce that God has been incredibly gracious to CBMW through the campaign. We not only matched the $25,000 goal, but we far exceeded it! Through the kindness and generosity of many saints, churches, ministries, and institutions, God has been incredibly gracious to us. We are so encouraged by God’s hand of providence, guiding us forward.

Read the full report.

Those out there who support their organizations by raising funds know what I mean when I say that news like this never gets old, and never fails to remind me of how dependent I am on the Lord. You can hit the pavement and make the case for the cause you believe in, but unless the Lord waters, the earth will not yield a crop. I am humming with praise to God as this is the third consecutive matching campaign that CBMW has not only met, but exceeded.

God is good!

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