April 24, 2014

What seems almost innocent to begin with very often becomes horrific before the day is done. Read more

April 19, 2014

What we believe about the future affects the way we live, and this is true for human beings wherever they are, whatever they believe about the deepest things, the things that matter most. Read more

April 14, 2014

To be implicated, for love’s sake. In many ways, that is the question of my life. Why that happens, how that happens, is as deep a current in my own calling as I understand myself; I have been thinking about the responsibility of knowledge, teaching it, writing about it, semester after semester, for years and years. And at my best, I still see through a glass darkly. Read more

April 9, 2014

Can it all make sense? Does it hold together? How do I find my way into making more sense? Read more

April 5, 2014

Could we honestly, actually, commit ourselves to doing justice, loving mercy, and walking humbly with God—within the sausage-making realities of Washington and the world? Read more

April 1, 2014

Who are we? What kind of world do we live in? What does it mean to be human? These are always the most perennial questions for human beings anywhere and everywhere– and how we answer them has consequences, for us and for history. Read more

March 28, 2014

"Knowing what you know, what will you do?" Read more

March 14, 2014

What are we going to do about the world as responsible Christian thinkers who live well and seek to act in obedient faith? Read more

March 11, 2014

What if the vision of vocation can be recovered—allowing us to step into the wounds of the world and for love’s sake take up our responsibility for the way the world turns out? Read more

March 1, 2014

From the most innocent affairs of the heart to the most complex dimensions of life in the world, the most difficult of all questions is this: can we know, and still love? Read more

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