The U.S. Loves Black People …. No They Love Steretoype!

The U.S. Loves Black People …. No They Love Steretoype! November 4, 2015

'Taint No Sin sheet music 1929. Photo by William Creswell, licensed under CC 2.0
‘Taint No Sin sheet music 1929. Photo by William Creswell, licensed under CC 2.0

A recent issue of Ebony magazine, the source for American Black culture, says that America loves Black people, and then revises it to really mean culture. I think what the United States of America loves, as far as African-Americans are concerned, is stereotype. From Step n Fetchit to Big Momma mainstream media craves to perpetuate these images on every level.

As a New Orleans Voodoo practitioner and scholar I am no stranger to degrading stereotype. There is demonization, sexualization, and demoralization and disrespect that unfortunately still continues today. In my post Naked Voodoo: The Sexualization of a Religion, I talk about how “Unfortunately the roots of this finger pointing practice stem from a long history of sexualizing minority cultures by the Western world. Back in the day we would use terms like “Jungle Fever” to talk about the erotic desire for the “other.”

Stereotype by it’s nature is based on reality, just a tiny piece of reality that can then be used to make sweeping generalizations. I could have began this post with a bunch of jokes about how Voodoo practitioners really are sexy, or that “ethnic types” have a natural rhythm and speed…. but I’m tired of seeing people minimize these things. There has been a lot of talk lately about cultural appropriation, where this becomes distinguished from respectful honoring is a very fuzzy line. One of my Godfathers in Voodoo has always asks the question who and what is being honored in a Afro-Caribbean ceremony where no one is of Afro-Caribbean descent? Honestly, I’m not sure.

I am black and I am not photo by philosophygeek licensed under CC 2.0
I am black and I am not photo by philosophygeek licensed under CC 2.0

The website last year published a post about Why Does America Love Black Culture but Not Black People? That may the the real question at issue. According to the post’s author Chrysler Summer “Apparently, in the eyes of America, black people and culture are cool. Black individuals…well that’s a whole different thing.” Maybe people can only tolerate Voodoo, Hoodoo and other African associated traditions if they are in a white package. So where does that leave the practitioners of color like myself? We are tired of sitting in the back of the bus, we do not belong there. I have nothing inherently against these Anglo-Voodooists but what then does the future hold? I had a Voodoo presenter of European heritage tell me ages ago that he was forced to lecture on the topics because no one else was. That assertion wasn’t true when he said it over a decade ago, and it is less so today. Maybe I’m preaching to the choir, but every new assertion or slight leaves me shaking my head in disgust. Each day i see more appropriation and stereotyping and I wonder when will it end?

I would love to hear your thoughts, feelings and experiences surrounding stereotype in the hopes that discussion will bring healing and understanding and maybe eventually change. Remember to share, comment, and subscribe to this blog.




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