Video: Maman Brigitte Ancestor Bag For Protection

Video: Maman Brigitte Ancestor Bag For Protection November 2, 2015


Maman Brigitte Gris-Gris protection bag photo by Lilith Dorsey. All rights reserved.
Maman Brigitte Gris-Gris protection bag photo by Lilith Dorsey. All rights reserved.

This Gris Gris Herbal medicine bag spell will help to bring you protection and blessings from the ancestors. There has been some controversy lately surrounding the history of Maman Brigitte, some say she is purely a recent loa created in the past few decades, others believe she is as old as death itself, representative of the primal mothers from whom we all sprang. The truth about Maman Brigitte, like that about the Voodoo religion itself, is that a mix of both is most likely. Nothing is black and white, certainly not Voodoo.

I have met some worshipers who associate Maman Brigitte with the Celtic deity Brighid and call upon her healing powers. I have met others who call on Maman Brigitte for justice, particularly relevant in this time of racial unrest. Whatever reason you may have to whisper her name and smile in her direction the following recipe will help to honor your connection to her and to the ancestors, providing protection and great blessings.


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