Slow and Reverent Wins the Race

Slow and Reverent Wins the Race May 20, 2015

OurLady_FatimaprocessionLast week, I enjoyed a long walk with Jesus. I took part in a Eucharistic procession, which included a beautiful knightsstatue of Our Lady of Fatima, through the busy streets of a Long Island town.

monstrance_processionThe heartfelt reverence of the priest calling out the Rosary mysteries and another priest silently and slowly processing with the Blessed Sacrament–raised up in a shining monstrance under a golden canopy–literally brought me to my knees.

I was taking photos, because a Christian friend at my chiropractor’s office had never heard of a May Crowning and asked for pictures to help her understand. As I moved through the crowd, trying to get ahead of the procession in order to better document the sparkling proceedings, I found myself face-to-face (as it were) with the large Host, held high in solemn tribute.

I remember thinking, It’s the King. I can’t walk ahead of the King, and I dropped to one knee and genuflected, unable to move any farther forward than where my knee touched the pavement.

The following weekend, I had another beautiful encounter with Our Eucharistic Lord.

At a day-long retreat, here in New York, I received Holy Communion from the hands of a young Irish deacon, a member of umbrella_greenThe Missionaries of the Most Holy Eucharist. With a depth of connection to the Real Presence that I have never witnessed before, the slow, arcing placement of the Host into my palm was balletic in its tender reverence. He never took his eyes off the Host–a Someone of unspeakable beauty and majesty–as he ministered to each of us with the utmost tenderness, in an attitude of profound humility. His patient witness made my reception of the Blessed Sacrament incredibly moving. I pray that I will never forget it.

umbrella_pinkThese two experiences reminded me to slow down and cultivate an awareness of God’s sacred Presence at Mass and in my life, to keep my eyes on the real finish line–not some deadline or personal goal, but the ultimate destination–Christ Himself.

This week, I pray for God’s help–for me and for all Catholics–to receive Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament with great love–slowly.

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