February 19, 2014

Got ten minutes? That’s all it will take for the Austin Institute for the Study of Family and Culture to help us make sense of dating, mating, and baby making. Even the folks at Freakonomics found this worthwhile to share. Special guest appearance by the motivation changing, and soon to be ubiquitous (and free!), birth control pill. Grab some popcorn, settle down with a favorite beverage,  and learn a little about the birds and the bees, and the costs associated with the... Read more

February 19, 2014

The 33rd Annual Chesterton Conference will be held at University of Saint Mary of the Lake (Mundelein Seminary) in Mundelein, Illinois, from July 31-August 2, 2014. Hmmm. That’s where Fr. Robert Barron and the Word on Fire gang hang their hats. (more…) Read more

February 18, 2014

You know how when your passport, or your drivers license, comes up for renewal, and you go through all the bureaucratic mumbo jumbo to get it renewed? So does Pope Francis. But unlike you and me, see, when Pope Francis renews his passport, it’s headline news. I like the dead pan expression here though, don’t you? Somehow, it speaks volumes to me. (more…) Read more

February 17, 2014

Shocked. Shocked, I am. That folks who actually know the account from Genesis are disappointed when folks who , you know, don’t, and make a film about it anyway, comes as no surprise to me. Or as Variety puts it,  (more…) Read more

February 16, 2014

King David and Joe Six-Pack have something in common. A number of things, actually. He was a soldier, while I was a Marine. He was a repentant sinner, and I am one still. He was a bit of an extrovert, and according to Myers-Briggs (all characters in the Bible took the test. No, really.), he and I share the same personality type. He wrote poems with verve, which are the kind of poems I like to read. But the real... Read more

February 14, 2014

Seriously? I LOL’d. Nice try, Adriana Cohen, but you obviously have never been involved in a) contract negotiations, or b)received every businesses idea of a good time: the Request For Proposal. You know, as your current contract rounds the corner for “renewal,” and your services are put out for bid. Enduring water boarding is a bit more civilized than enduring that. (more…) Read more

February 14, 2014

  To find out about faith, you have to go to the people who have it and you have to go to the most intelligent ones if you are going to stand up intellectually to agnostics and the general run of pagans that you are going to find in the majority of people around you. – Flannery O’Connor, writing to college freshman, Alfred Corn Read the entire letter at A Catholic Thinker. Read more

February 13, 2014

Sure, The Onion is the best thing going when it comes to humorous, satirical, “news.” But what really makes The Onion successful is how they often hit truth right on the head, just like an expert marksmen hits a target in the bullseye. And the hit this time is particularly timely. Recall that there has been a lot of discussion on catechesis, religious education, and evangelization  around here, ever since Joanne McPortland posted her cri de coeur, What’s Really Wrong with Catholic Religious... Read more

February 12, 2014

(more…) Read more

February 10, 2014

Wait. Who said reading the Bible is lame? Well, I can’t really say for sure. (more…) Read more

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