Bernie Sanders supporter, Willie D, defends rapist Bill Cosby from “coons” and those awful white people

Bernie Sanders supporter, Willie D, defends rapist Bill Cosby from “coons” and those awful white people April 19, 2016

Willie D is a rapper from the group Geto Boys and needless to say, his vocabulary consists of a lot of four-letter words mostly beginning with “F” and ending with “uck.” Now that you have some idea of his pedigree, you can make an informed decision about whatever he has to say.

I believe his worldview can be summed up in his latest release, “Coon.” Just has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it? “Coon” is a term he uses in the rap to describe all black people who sell out other black people. He mentions the likes of Charles Barkley, Don Lemon, Raven-Symoné and Stacey Dash as coons and has plenty of horrible things to say about them. But his sights are set wide as targets the black community at large, especially those that turned on Bill Cosby (a.k.a. “coons”) and threw him under the bus for drugging and raping women. I mean, what could be worse than that? According to Willie D, white people.

Here’s what he had to say in a recent Rolling Stone interview, ebonics not redacted:

And, you know, for Bill Cosby, he should’ve known. Every time, anytime a black person shit on the black community, it always comes back to bite him. It always comes back to bite him. And they always rely on the black community to bail ’em out. Because quite frankly, white America is very unforgiving when it comes to black folks doing something fucked up. You know? “Hey man, we ride with you, man, but the minute you fuck up, you outta here.” They will fuckin’ destroy your ass. You know? You worried about black folks being vengeful about blaming you, you worried about the wrong shit. White folks are vengeful like a motherfucker. They will fuckin’ destroy your ass if you fuck up. They like, “No, he did what? Ah, hell no. We gotta stop that shit. Hell no.” Bill Cosby? “Hey man. Thanks for the 200 years of great songs and movies and giving and everything, but you fucked up this time! You outta here.” I just used him as an example of, you know, what could happen to you in Hollywood once they are done with you.

What? How did this go from calling black turncoats “coons” to talking about how awful white people are? That’s pretty senile for a middle-aged rapper. That explains why he’s throwing his support to Bernie Sanders. Nothing says “I’m not a coon” like a vote for Bernie Sanders!

Well, what do we have to look forward to in the future from ol’ D? I’ll let him bait you with this exciting line up he has planned:

“Coon II,” “Coon III,” “Coon IV,” “Coon V.”

Doesn’t that sound exciting?

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