Black Conservative Had to Move Because of Her Beliefs: ‘It’s a Lonely Life’

Black Conservative Had to Move Because of Her Beliefs: ‘It’s a Lonely Life’ November 3, 2017

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Star Parker is a conservative thought leader who recently spoke with Ginni Thomas, Justice Clarence Thomas’s wife, about the state of politics today.  If you’ve not heard of Star, she is:

… one of the names on the short list mentioned when anyone speaks of national black conservative leaders. Star Parker is the founder and president of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education, a public policy think tank that promotes market-based solutions to fight poverty.

Black Community News has the details:

Martin Luther King Jr.’s civil rights movement was about repentance and revival, Star said, but the new social justice generation wants revenge and redistribution.

“And that only comes through feeding into this narrative that racism is everywhere.”

The hard black left don’t want integration, Star said, and she elaborates on dealing with the pressure of being a black conservative, including the name-calling. But the truth is on our side.

She also talks about how black children are forced to adapt the values of Black Lives Matter in order to get along socially with their friends and that white conservatives should care more deeply about the plight of black conservatives.

Listen to this great interview below:

Image Credit: Screen Cap

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