David Clarke on Dems’ Denial of Russian Dossier: ‘America Is Through With These Scumbags’

David Clarke on Dems’ Denial of Russian Dossier: ‘America Is Through With These Scumbags’ November 3, 2017

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Sheriff David Clarke recently appeared on Fox News to discuss the Democrats’ denails after revelations that the Clinton campaign funded the Russian dossier on then-candidate Donald Trump.  He said that Trump was right all along.

Fox News has the details:

Former Clinton campaign manager John Podesta and then-Democratic National Committee leader Debbie Wasserman-Schultz have both denied knowledge of funding for the document, created by opposition research firm Fusion GPS.

“The next time Mrs. Bill Clinton, John Podesta, or Debbie Wasserman-Schultz tell the truth will be the first,” Sheriff Clarke told “Fox & Friends” on Saturday. “It’s their automatic default to just lie.”

Clarke also echoed many American’s sentiments when he said, “America is through with these scumbags, and I wish they’d just get off the stage.”

When the Fox host asked about how the main stream media colluded to spread this disinformation, Clarke pulled no punches and decided to name names:

“The New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, the Huffington Post were the propaganda wing of all of this corruption. They ran with that fake story trying to smear President Trump.  President Trump was right about this from the beginning.  He said the Clintons were involved.  He said this was fake news.  It’s amazing that they continue this pattern of lies and deceit to the American people.”

He went on to say, “They know darn well that there was nothing to this story,” and said that the media’s credibility has been ruined.

Hat Tip: Fox News

Image Credit: Screen Cap

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