Senator Rand Paul Assaulted at Home: 5 Broken Ribs

Senator Rand Paul Assaulted at Home: 5 Broken Ribs November 4, 2017

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Apparently, U.S. Senator Rand Paul has more severe injuries than initially believed.  The Washington Post says that he has five broken ribs, including 3 displaced fractures, “meaning the bones are partly or completely cracked.” Also, he has bruises to his lungs.

“This type of injury is caused by high velocity severe force. It is not clear exactly how soon he will return to work, as the pain is considerable as is the difficulty in getting around, including flying,” Stafford said.


A strange story out of Bowling Green, Kentucky: Senator Rand Paul was mowing his grass on Friday, when a fifty-nine year old neighbor came over and assaulted him.  CNN has the details:

State troopers responded to a call to the senator’s residence at 3:21 p.m. and arrested a man named Rene Albert Boucher, who they allege “intentionally assaulted” Paul, causing him “minor injury.” Paul “told police that his neighbor came into his property and tackled him from behind, forcing him to the ground and causing pain,” according to a police statement in the arrest warrant.

According to the arrest warrant, Paul was seen by a doctor after incurring “injuries to his face, including small cuts to the nose and mouth area, and… a potential rib injury.”  His attacker is an anesthesiologist and pain specialist.  He also invented the “Therm-a-Vest, a cloth vest partially filled with rice and secured by Velcro straps. Its purpose is to relieve back pain by delivering heat straight to the affected areas.”

Paul’s attacker, according to Fox News, is a registered Democrat.  Also, “a Facebook account that is alleged to be maintained by Boucher was found to contain multiple anti-Trump postings.”  Though it’s unclear what caused the altercation, some wonder if this was due to politics:

Image Credit: Gage Skidmore via Flickr

Hat Tip: CNN and Fox

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